Surprise Birthday Party for Vreni, Open to all
Odilia and Vreni's strong bond was no secret to those of the Stave kingdom. When Emil's wife entered into Odilia's life the two were like magnets and instantly became close friends. At times it seemed the two women spent more time with each other than with their husbands. The sudden death of Emil brought the two women even closer together and soon Odilia was able to come to terms with the loss of her brother. Vreni on the other hand remained (and still remains) quite unhappy.
For weeks now Odilia has tried to cheer Vreni up but, though at times it seems to work, nothing seems to stick. With Vreni's birthday fast approaching Odilia has made plans for a surprise party in hopes that all the friendly faces will remind Vreni of the people she still has in her life.
The day seemed to arrive within a blink of an eye as Odilia still scrambled around the Great Hall trying her damnedest to make sure everything was perfect. Her nerves went almost caused her to burst when Mchumba notified her that guests were beginning to arrive. She all but fainted when she turned and realized Mchumba was telling the truth.
"Would you mind finishing this up?" Odilia said gesturing to the many vases of flowers placed throughout the hall she had been arranging and re-arranging for the past hour.
"Yes, my queen," Mchumba replied with a nod.
Odilia turned from Mchumba and began pointing other servants to other tasks she hadn't gotten to yet. "Please let this party be a success," she said to herself before rubbing her temples. "I need a drink."
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