(Letters exchange) King Varvenis of Pentacles and Queen Elizabeth of Swords
Dearest sister,
I hope this letter finds you well. I write that I may ask a favor of you. My dear Maricosa has yet again expressed her wish to be married and has charged me with the task of finding her an acceptable suitor. I cannot think of any young man in the empire I would sooner trust with my daughter's hand that that of your son Liam. Bariah is of course completely opposed to the idea, but I feel in this instance that my wisdom far exceeds hers. Please think favorably upon my request, for Mari's sake.
Yours, Varvenis
Dearest Varvenis,
I think your proposal is a good one. You have always been wise of character my brother and I trust your judgment. Liam is a most excellent match for your Mari and I know he would take good care of her. The two of them could be insured a very bright future if they get married. I think it may be best if we have a meeting in person before we set anything in motion.
Yours, Elizabeth
Dearest Elizabeth,
You are as always the voice of reason. I will have a traveling party prepared to set off immediately, and we shall make all haste to Swords on the morrow. Mari will be most excited to see you-- and, of course, her bethrothed.
Yours, Varvenis
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