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Below is information about the "Anime Awards" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:animeicontest (28231)
Name:Anime Awards
Welcome to [info]animeicontest. An icon challenge community for anime, manga, and video games. Hosted by[info]strawberrytea and [info]dismantle who post weekly icon challenges for icon makers to make submissions for.


001. Two icons are allowed per person per week.

002. All icons must be scribbld regulation. (If you can't use it as an icon on scribbld then you can't submit it.)

003. Fanart and doujinshi images are permitted, but if possible show us where you got it.

004. Don't advertise your icon or ask your friends to vote for it. Why would you want to win that way anyway?

005. Don't post your icon before the results are posted. That sort of goes along with the previous rule.

006. Don't use someone else's icon and call it your own. But I don't think any of you all would do something that stupid.

007. Please follow the icon submission format:

Icon URL:

Previous Winners

profile codes | link | link
Maintainers:1: strawberrytea
Members:27: astro, bar_ohki, bulma, chaostheory, confining, curiousvenus, destructive, diaochan, hammerofjustice, hanabi, juuhachigou, kirie, kogarasumaru, laceandcream, lunareuphoria, mahou, manlygraphics, mei, mojojojo, poisonheart, ruin, sehnsucht, soulmix, strawberrytea, toki__wartooth, utena, zeppelined
Watched by:23: bar_ohki, bulma, chaostheory, confining, curiousvenus, destructive, diaochan, hammerofjustice, hanabi, juuhachigou, kirie, kogarasumaru, laceandcream, lunareuphoria, manlygraphics, mojojojo, poisonheart, ruin, shinimegami, soulmix, strawberrytea, utena, zeppelined
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2009-03-07 03:39:57
Date updated:2010-12-20 19:54:33, 742 weeks ago
Clients used:
Journal entries:305
Comments:Posted: 0 - Received: 1,186
Posting Access:1: strawberrytea

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