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Week 63 : Voting [13 Aug 2010|11:40pm]
Sorry this was late allowing some people to get last minute submissions in. Seriously if you all ever want an hour or so more to submit just drop us a comment. We are flexible.

As per usual vote for THREE icons you like in the order you like them. Special category this week is: Best Crop.

I Could Really Use A Wish Right Now )
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Week 64: Theme [13 Aug 2010|11:49pm]
[ music | Linkin Park - P5hng Me A*wy ]

Vi will have your voting up soon. In the meantime, here's the new theme!

Word theme: Sky. Day or night sky is acceptable, but it must be in the icon.
Song Theme: Britney Spears - Mannequin Shut up

Watch me )

-You may submit up to two icons
-If you use the lyrical theme, please use at least two consecutive words
-Your icon may be textless if using the word theme if you so choose.
-You have until next Friday night at 11:00pm EST
-Please follow the submissions format:
Icon URL:

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[ viewing | August 13th, 2010 ]
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