Anime Awards' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Anime Awards

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Voting [25 Jun 2010|10:57pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Dane Cook - Cheater 2.0 ]

-Please vote for TWO icons in the order you like them
-Do not vote for your own/encourage others to vote for your icon
-Voting ends Sunday night at 8pm

Split second and it's all in smoke, yeah )

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Week 57 : Theme [25 Jun 2010|11:07pm]
Your word theme for this week is Pairs. Now this doesn't have to be pairings you just have to have two characters in your icon. No more. No less if you use this theme.

Your lyrical theme is behind the cut.
Rihanna - Hard )

-You may submit up to two icons
-If you use the lyrical theme, please use at least two consecutive words
-Your icon may be textless if using the word theme if you so choose.
-You have until next Friday night at 11:00pm EST
-Please follow the submissions format:
Icon URL:
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[ viewing | June 25th, 2010 ]
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