Any week we get 10+ icons you will be asked to vote for a special category. Axel, Kei, or Yami designate the category based on the most fair choice for all the icons submitted (so if it's a mostly textless turnout it won't be best typography!) Here is a glossary of what each category is looking for:
Best Color: Choose the icon that has the best coloring to you. Best Crop: Choose the icon that has the most innovative and/or appropriate crop. Best Typography: Choose the icon in which the text looks the best with the entire composition; has nothing to do with what the text actually says. Best Adaptation: Choose the icon that best represents either the lyrical or word/challenge theme. Best Composition: Choose the icon that has the best overall look, taking color, text (if applicable), and crop into account. Most Emotional: Choose the icon in which the character shows the most emotion (can be any emotion). Most Creative: Choose the icon in which the maker was most imaginative and did something that was unexpected, but still works. Best Caption: Not to be confused with best typography, choose the icon in which the words in the caption work best with the image.
→ DO NOT use text, tiny text, or anything that can be misconstrued for text. → Use at least two consecutive lyrics that inspired each of your icon(s). → Include the image URL, character, series, and lyrics that inspired your submission. → You may submit up to three icons. → Fanart is allowed. → Icons are due to this screened post by Friday, February 18th at 11PM EST