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the fool. ([info]minato) wrote in [info]animeaddme,
@ 2009-01-23 14:58:00

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I'm Minato, 21, and I'm mostly a gamer, I'll admit. However, I do like anime.. just, most of it tends to be older. Ones like.. Gundam Wing, Escaflowne, Digimon (first season), Cardcaptors, Star Ocean EX, Magic Knight Rayearth, Sailor Moon (seriously, who didn't watch Sailor Moon?), Dragonball Z, and other ones like that.

Newer anime? Mostly just Code Geass. I did watch some Claymore, though.

You can check out my profile to learn more about me. I have a friends' only post or you can comment here, thanks!

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2009-01-24 12:55 am UTC (link)
Hmm how about it? :D

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2009-01-24 12:56 am UTC (link)
Of course! Why not? Adding you now. :)

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2009-01-24 12:58 am UTC (link)
Awesome! Adding you back now.

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