† All Icontest † - June 27th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 27th, 2010

Week o16-b :: Theme [Jun. 27th, 2010|12:45 am]


Okay, well we didn't get any entries for the last theme, so I'm just going to throw that one out the window and go ahead and post a NEW week sixteen-- Week 16b! Here are going to be your two themes:


Theme 1: Border. Your icon must have a border of some kind around it. It doesn't matter what kind, but it needs to have a border.

Theme 2: Sports. Your icon must relate to sports! Other than that, up to you. If you're not sure if something's a sport or not, go ahead and ask.

Go ahead and reply to this screened post by Saturday, July 3rd, 2010! at 9PM PST! Your icon must adhere to Scribbld standards of less than 40KB, 100x100 pixels or less, and jpg/png/gif format. Good luck! No voting this week!
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