† All Icontest † - June 13th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 13th, 2010

[Jun. 13th, 2010|08:47 pm]


REALLY sorry about the delay. It's totally my fault. I kind of... lost track of what day it was, honestly. I just realized yesterday was Saturday like a liiiittle while ago. Anyway, moving right along! Vote for two icons!

Behind the cut, of course~ )

New theme will be up in a few! Sorry about the delay again. Voting will be extended until Tuesday because it was only started today.
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Week o15 :: Theme [Jun. 13th, 2010|09:25 pm]



Theme 1: Toys. Toys, dolls, plushies, games, anything that can be played with.

Theme 2: Despair. Interpret as you would like.

Thanks to [info]aibou for suggesting the themes for this week. :3 Anyway, submit your png/jpg/gif, 40KB-or-less, 100x100pixels max icons to this screened post. Due date will still be next Saturday, June 19th at 9PM PST. Good luck and I look forward to some great icons! Oh and don't forget to vote for this week's icons.
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