† All Icontest † - May 15th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
† All Icontest †

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May 15th, 2010

Week o1O :: Voting [May. 15th, 2010|10:37 pm]


[Current Mood | amused]
[Current Music |Voltaire - When You're Evil]

Voting behind the cut! )

Aaaand your new theme will be up momentarily! You know the drill, reply to this screened post with your vote. This time, vote for TWO icons only! Voting will end on Monday at 9PM PST.
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Week o11 :: Theme [May. 15th, 2010|10:47 pm]


Two very simple themes this week~


Theme One: Grayscale. Black, gray, white. That's your color palette, the rest is up to you. Have fun~

Theme Two: Tiny Text. Your icon must contain tiny text in it! However, you cannot use large, readable text in addition. Only tiny text. Other than that, you've got free reign on this theme. :D

Reply to this screened post before Saturday, May 22nd, 2010 at 9PM PST/12 MIDNIGHT EST with your entries. Don't forget to include the icon, the url, the subject, and what the subject is from (if applicable). All icons must be in accordance with Scribbld regulations for upload (under 40KB, 100x100 pixels max, png/gif/jpg format). Good luck and don't forget to vote for week ten!
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