Week o4 |
[Mar. 27th, 2010|11:12 pm] |
Welcome to week 4! We did excellent last week on submissions, let's keep it up this week!
WEEK FOUR: HUMOR and MOVIES Theme 1: Humor. Make an icon that's funny! Doesn't matter if it's outright humor, subtle humor, whatever, as long as it's amusing in some way.
Theme 2: Movies. Icons from movies. As long as the subject is from a movie or related to film-making, it's a good entry.
Entries Due by: Sat. April 3 at 9PM PST. Make sure to include the icon, the URL, the subject, and what the subject is from (if applicable). All icons must fit Scribbld formatting and if you have any questions at all don't be afraid to ask. :3 |