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Rule Update [May. 11th, 2010|01:01 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]manlygraphics
2010-05-11 05:44 pm (UTC)


It's especially hilarious to me when some shitty artist is all like DON'T USE MY STUFF >:U and I'm like BRO YOU NEED ALL THE FREE ADVERTISING YOU CAN GET WTF MANG. XD And yes I have seen it. ;x

OH LMAO I know I always roll my eyes because it'll be like. A stick figure or worse a COLORED OR TRACED VERSION OF SOMEONE ELSE'S GOOD FANART and they'll think it's the next masterpiece. I should start putting a little thing on the end of each of my pieces saying PLEASE USE MY ARTWORK. PLEASE DON'T CREDIT ME.
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-05-11 06:27 pm (UTC)


The tracings are the worst, that's real stealing!