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Week o7 :: Results [Apr. 28th, 2010|12:15 am]
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Winners are here! Sorry they're a bit late... I zoned out. No, seriously. I was literally zoning out because I ended up watching TV for too long. D: Fail on my part.





Congratulations to the winners and a good job to all! Here are the other entries for this theme:




Don't forget to ENTER Week 8's theme over here. Seriously, we've got two entries already but there's room for PLENTY more! Let's be excellent this week!

[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-04-28 06:36 am (UTC)


I'm just sayin' this 'cause I think I recall you being a Hetalia fan. Oh I don't know if you care about Spain, but I read somewhere that his marukaite chikyuu comes out on the 25th of May. Sooooo excited. X3 I hope it's going to be like on an image song CD and that there are more songs because he's so cute! /random

Yay! Second!
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-04-28 06:56 am (UTC)


YES. Omfg I'm excited. XD I've been a little behind with Hetalia fandom lately but that is exciting news~ :D

Congrats! x3 It was a cute icon~
[User Picture]From: [info]lunareuphoria
2010-04-28 12:23 pm (UTC)


....you kidding? XD Wow, thank you for first and third and congrats to Axel~♥
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-04-28 07:07 pm (UTC)


Not kidding one bit! They were nice icons and got the votes for it! x3
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-04-29 02:53 am (UTC)


...Also I knew that I recognized the picture in your Cloud icon. That's from Naked! 8D


...Is that a bad thing that I recognize doujinshi?