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Week o8 :: Theme [Apr. 25th, 2010|01:10 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-04-27 09:59 pm (UTC)


That's totally fine. By different images I just meant not making two versions of the same base like...

These icons are all the same image:

They're just done in different ways, but it's all the same image. If it's a large image with different parts like that, then the set can be done that way. You said you were submitting that before so would you still like to? (You can submit your other set as well if you would like, obviously, but I just wanted to make sure you'd like to submit this in addition to using it as an example of what you had meant or if you don't want to anymore.)
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-04-27 10:04 pm (UTC)


It's fine! :D As long as it's there and you tell me, I'm totally cool with it being submitted that way.