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sweetpea ([info]sweetpea__) wrote in [info]addme,
@ 2009-09-10 13:43:00

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Current mood: cheerful

I'm Amy, I live in Texas.  It's really big out here, I don't like it.
I'm 21 years old but I'll be 22 in December.
I am pregnant with my first child...entering my second trimester now.  It's all kinda crazy to me.
I LOVE horror movies.  Especially the oldschool kind.  I really have a thing for Rainbow Brite?  I don't really know why.  And Sailor Moon.  Stuff like that just makes me happy I suppose.
I feel like I need people to know what I'm thinking and what I'm going through right now?  I want to feel like there's people out there who are aware of what's going on in my life...especially since I'm nervous about it at this point in time.
I don't usually get on the computer everyday, but I try to. 
And I love reading about other people's lives.  It's interesting.

I'd really like if we shared the same interests.  Or have some mommy friends.  ;]

I will be posting pictures and whatnot.

Wanna be friends?  =]

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2010-06-18 04:16 am UTC (link)
I'm not a mommy! But I practically raised my niece by myself so I feel like a mommy.
I'm 18 turning 19 this november. I just read your post and wanted to be your friend.
I hope your not a single mom! Two is always better than one.

Oh and I'm Esther :)

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