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hello? [20 Aug 2012|06:58pm]
I'm not sure how many people are here, but I was feeling nostalgic this past weekend and looked in on some old journal names on LJ and realised that I miss talking to a lot of people. I miss the days of checking my flist and having posts to comment on. for the past several years my life has consisted of rp and cdjs but not fandom <i>friends</i>... and I miss it. so... if anyone wants to add me anywhere... please do! I'll be glad to hear from you (even if you're someone new!)

-Victoria (formerly known as: Aine/Dalek/Euro)

(formerly ~slytherinesq, ~faerydracoqueen, and~troppo_veleno on LJ)

I can be found @:

<a href="">IJ</a>, <a href="">Dreamwidth</a>, <a href="">LJ</a>, and <a href="">Scribbld</a>
(IJ is my main, and I've never used any of the others, but I'm willing to go where the people are for my fandom blogging needs!)

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