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[17 Jun 2008|01:03am]
hey all,
i just joined scribbld and i have ZERO friends right now so i thought i'd see if i could fix that problem. my name's maddy and i'm eighteen years old - i turn nineteen at the beginning of august. i'm canadian and i go to university in halifax, nova scotia, even though i'm from ontario. i like feta cheese, nerds (the candy & the people), and basketball. i used to have an account on gj but i stopped updating it years ago and honestly i can't really remember what the un was. i want to find something that i'm really passionate about - but i'm not sure just yet what that is. i'm kind of "eh" about just about everything, except politics & knitting (which i suck at). i secretly still like pokemon and i'm majoring in international business while i do my commerce degree. i'm spending this summer working at an ice cream store. i have a crush on ron weasley (and james potter, to be honest).

that's about all i can think of for now, so yeah. it's kind of hard to summarize yourself in a post, haha. comment/add me!
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[17 Jun 2008|05:03pm]
Looking for some new friends
My name is Shenna and I live in Holland. I used to be [info]viored here.
Likes: making graphics, watching Asian movies, listening to music and gaming.

My music interests are: metal, jrock & kpop
And some of my favorite bands are: Alice Nine, Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet For My Valentine, Dong Bang Shin Ki, Super Junior, UVERworld & Versailles
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[ viewing | June 17th, 2008 ]
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