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I suppose I'll give it a go. [15 Apr 2008|06:08pm]
I'm Snake, just a casual blogger. I've been on everything from livejournal to greatestjournal, but those were all private so they don't matter anyway. I'm almost 20, and from Texas - although my views and personality really don't fit with that. I'm way too open minded and modern.

My one hobby (besides sitting on the net) is video games. You don't have to like video games to add me, but it helps just so we have one common interest. I'm not much of a television person (except for stuff like the Discovery Channel) and I don't watch movies. I am really into music, but my tastes are weird. If you wanna know about my interests, just give my profile a peek.

My entries don't tend to dive into my daily life as there isn't much to say about it. I'm a college drop out (couldn't afford it) who studied English and History, and now after moving I'm in between jobs and am trying to figure out who I really am. I often comment, but I don't expect anyone to comment on every single one of my entries.

If you want to add me, just comment on my friends' only entry, please. Thanks.

[15 Apr 2008|09:30pm]

hey, i'm kelley. i'm a ninth generation texan. i'm going to be 21 this year. hooray? music is my life. (my is here.) and to quote ziggy marley, love is my religion. haha.
i'm very open minded, though not to the point of insanity, if that makes sense. i'm also very open about my opinions. politically, sexually, and otherwise.
i'm extremely stubborn. you'd probably have a better chance of drawing blood from a turnip than swaying my opinion on something. i have a really bad temper as well. i drink a lot, too. i guess i'm your stereotypical irish chick.
to strangers, i probably seem to be a pretty introverted, private person. it's hard for me to trust people, but who doesn't have trust issues these days?
those who know me best love me unconditionally. i've dealt with ridiculous drama on a daily basis for the past 12 years of my life. i still deal with it. so if you plan on bringing that shit around me, don't bother adding me.
i know this makes me sound like some huge bitch, but i'm honestly not. i have an interesting sense of humor. i love laughing. i love my friends. i love a lot.
i get anxious and bitchy if i stay in one place for too long, so i love traveling. i'm a sports fanatic, i love video games and cars. i watch the game show network too much, and i love to cook. i cook almost every day. i used to be a vegetarian, but lately i've fallen into pescetarianism, even though i still don't eat that much seafood.
this was entirely too long and i'm sorry if i seem boring, but i'm really a pretty nice person once you get to know me.

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