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[06 Feb 2008|04:26pm]
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Kobura - 21 - Female - Ohio

I like...

Writing, Reading, Roleplaying (Online), Slash/Yaoi (I'm not rabid, I promise), The Horror Genre (movies, games, books, RPs, etc), Snakes, Video Games, Zombies, Betta Splendens, Green, Purple, Web Design, Computers, Music (Mostly Metal and other types of Rock), Manga, Fanfiction, College (I'm a freak. I know)

Video games are my life, I will go on for days about a new game if I love it enough... which is often actually. Haha.

I'm really easy to get along with, though I tend to ramble a lot and can get annoying at times. All you have to do is let me know and I'll shut up.

I'm also a great listener. If you need to vent just explain the basics and I'll listen and offer advice and I WILL NOT tell anyone else what you've told me unless you tell me I can.

If you want to know anything else just ask and if you want to add me just let me know either here or at my journal. :)

11 comments|post comment

[06 Feb 2008|04:31pm]

Hey. I'm Dorothy. I'm eighteen years old and I live in New York. I'm currently attending LaGuardia Community College, majoring in vetinary technology. March will be the start of my second semester there. I have a dog and I would have more pets if it wasn't for my parents. XD

I love to go out with my friends, especially since I don't get to see them often. I'm more close with my friends in high school and I really do miss it. Everyone seems to be anti-social in the school that I'm in now. :\

I enjoy going to concerts and I try to go to as much as I can. I also enjoy going to the movies, the beach, the mall, pretty much anywhere. I love to explore. :]

I don't want to go on and on talking about myself, so if you'd like to get to know me more then feel free to add me (just comment on my friends only entry).

[06 Feb 2008|08:28pm]
Greetings. I am the world renowned detective known as L.

I like sweets. :)


Haha, I'm Celes. I'm 20 and I like Death Note (obviously). Sailor Moon is also a big fandom of mine. I'm a Final Fantasy nerd, and I'm on the internet a lot. I work part time as a cashier, and I'm also a college student.

My main journal is at LJ (neonlicht) but I also use IJ (i_am_l). However, I PROMISE to post and read friends' entries here too!!
4 comments|post comment

[06 Feb 2008|10:53pm]
I'm Jaleesa. I post a lot. I comment a lot. I like all sorts of people. [info]centerfield to add. Thank you. :)

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