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No pairings are better! [21 Jan 2008|02:14am]
Shuichi Shindou x Eiri Uesugi/Yuki (Gravitation) is my OTP.
Misaki Takahashi x Akihiko Usami (Junjou Romantica) is my OTP.
Nowaki Kusama x Hiroki Kamijō (Junjou Romantica) is my OTP.
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"no pairings are better!" [21 Jan 2008|03:04am]
[ mood | blank ]

Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Sesshoumaru x Kagome (Inuyasha)
Kiryuu Touga x Tenjou Utena (Shoujo Kakumei Utena)

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no pairings are better! [21 Jan 2008|05:02am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Vincent Valentine x Aerith Gainsborough(Final Fantasy VII)
Severus Snape x Lily Evans(Harry Potter)
Umbreon x Glaceon(Pokemon)

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no pairings are better! [21 Jan 2008|12:44pm]
[ mood | devious ]

only one:

Brendon Urie x Ryan Ross of Panic at the disco is my otp.

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No pairings are better! [21 Jan 2008|01:24pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | NEOPHILIA by Aya Hirano. ]

I'd like to claim...

Agatsuma Soubi x Aoyagi Ritsuka of Loveless.
Tenjou Utena x Himemiya Anthy of Revolutionary Girl Utena/Shoujo Kakumei Utena.
Alucard x Sir Integra Wingates Hellsing of Hellsing.

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No pairings are better! [21 Jan 2008|03:00pm]
Malik Ishtar x Ryou Bakura of Yu-Gi-Oh! [Anime/Manga]

Miles Edgeworth x Franziska Von Karma of Phoenix Wright [Video Game]

Saix X Larxene of Kingdom Hearts [Video Game]
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No pairings are better! [21 Jan 2008|10:23pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | alice nine. - cosmic world ]

Tora x Saga (Alice Nine. - Band)
Phoenix Wright x Franziska Von Karma (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Video game)
Miles Edgeworth x Maya Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Video game)

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No pairings are better! ...bitches [21 Jan 2008|11:31pm]
ManjixRin from Blade of the Immortal (Graphic Novel)
EdwardsxBella from Twilight (Book)
VirginiaxWolf from The Tenth Kingdom (Movie)
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No pairings are better! [21 Jan 2008|11:37pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | trust | bonnie pink ]

Nobuo Terashima x Nana (Hachiko) Komatsu from NANA (manga)
Rufus Shinra x TIfa Lockheart from Final Fantasy VII (video game)
Takumi Mayama x Ayumi Yamada from Honey & Clover (manga)

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[ viewing | January 21st, 2008 ]
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