The 50 Book Challenge's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The 50 Book Challenge

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Hello from Wales [17 Jan 2008|10:29pm]
Hi! I just joined. My usual journal isĀ [info]serenbut I madeĀ [info]inotherwordsto keep track of the books I am reading this year. So far I've read:

1. "The American Boy" by Andrew Taylor
2. "The Careful Use of Compliments" by Alexander McCall Smith
3. "Mister Pip" by Lloyd Jones

That's three amazing books that I just could not put down. I have two new books waiting for me to read: "Cranford" by Elizabeth Gaskall and "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak.

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[ viewing | January 17th, 2008 ]
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