The 50 Book Challenge's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
The 50 Book Challenge

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[21 May 2008|10:22am]

1-37 )
38. A Son Called Gabriel - Damian McNicholl !
39. Hurt Go Happy - Ginny Rorby !
40. A Virtuous Woman - Kaye Gibbons *
41. Try - Dennis Cooper -
42. Lamb - Christopher Moore !c

Starting date: September 28
Books to date: 41
Pages to date: 8530

! = I would recommend this book
* = no opinion
- = I would not recommend this book
r - required for school
i - intellectual novel, not for casual readers
c - comedic
t - tearjerker
h - historical fiction
1 comment|post comment

[08 Apr 2008|01:07pm]

1-30 )
31. Where We Stand: Class Matters - bell hooks -ri
32. The Secret Life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd !
33. Drowning Ruth - Christina Schwarz *
34. Blues For Hannah - Tim Farrington *
35. The Desire to Heal - Rafael Campo *r

Starting date: September 28
Books to date: 35
Pages to date: 7654
Average pages/book: 219

! = I would recommend this book
* = no opinion
- = I would not recommend this book
r - required for school
i - intellectual novel, not for casual readers
c - comedic
t - tearjerker
h - historical fiction
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[01 Apr 2008|03:13am]

[ mood | sick ]

My final list:

Started: April 2007
Ended: April 2008

1-75 )

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[26 Mar 2008|10:39am]

1-27 )
28. The Splendor of Silence - Indu Sundaresan -h
29. The Age Of Missing Information - Bill McKibben -ri
30. Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood !
31. Where We Stand: Class Matters - bell hooks -ri
32. The Secret Life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd !

Starting date: September 28
Books to date: 32
Pages to date: 6803
Average pages/book: 212

! = I would recommend this book
* = no opinion
- = I would not recommend this book
r - required for school
i - intellectual novel, not for casual readers
c - comedic
t - tearjerker
h - historical fiction
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[22 Mar 2008|04:45am]

[ mood | hot ]

Started: April 2007

1-74 )

Currently Reading: The Phantom .:. Susan Kay

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[17 Mar 2008|10:25am]

1-26 )
27. All But My Life - Gerda Weissmann Klein !th
28. The Splendor of Silence - Indu Sundaresan -h
29. The Age Of Missing Information - Bill McKibben -ri
30. Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood !
31. Where We Stand: Class Matters - bell hooks -ri

Starting date: September 28
Books to date: 31
Pages to date: 6501
Average pages/book: 209

! = I would recommend this book
* = no opinion
- = I would not recommend this book
r - required for school
i - intellectual novel, not for casual readers
c - comedic
t - tearjerker
h - historical fiction
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[16 Mar 2008|02:30am]

[ mood | busy ]

Started: April 2007

1-72 )

Currently Reading: New Moon .:. Stephenie Meyer

2 comments|post comment

So far this year... [15 Mar 2008|11:17pm]

[ music | Movie: August Rush ]

Just since January:

1. Memory and Dream- Charles De Lint
2. Widdershins- Charles De Lint
3. Onion Girl- Charles De Lint
4. The Little Country- Charles De Lint
5. Trader- Charles De Lint
6. Forests of the Heart- Charles De Lint
7. The Crucible- Arthur Miller
8. The Golden Compass- Phillip Pullman
9. The Awakening- Kate Chopin

And more to come. As you can see, I'm a big Charles De Lint fan. :)

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[14 Mar 2008|10:39am]

1-25 )
26. A Home At The End Of The World - Michael Cunningham *c
27. All But My Life - Gerda Weissmann Klein !th
28. The Splendor of Silence - Indu Sundaresan -h
29. The Age Of Missing Information - Bill McKibben -ri
30. Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood !

Starting date: September 28
Books to date: 30
Pages to date: 6337
Average pages/book: 232

! = I would recommend this book
* = no opinion
- = I would not recommend this book
r - required for school
i - intellectual novel, not for casual readers
c - comedic
t - tearjerker
h - historical fiction
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[08 Mar 2008|06:45pm]

Hi! I started the challenge at the beginning of the year, but just joined the community. This is what I've read so far:

1) The Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger
2) I Am American and So Can You! - Stephen Colbert
3) Where I Was From - Joan Didion
4) Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
5) The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerad
6) Of Mice and Men - Steinbeck

As you can probably tell by most of the books I've read, I'm on a mission to read the classics.
Under the cut Are my ratings/reviews for each.

1-6 )
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[10 Feb 2008|09:16am]

1-23 )
24. The History of Love - Nicole Krauss !ct
25. Symbolic Interactionism - Joel M. Charon *ri
26. A Home At The End Of The World - Michael Cunningham *c
27. All But My Life - Gerda Weissmann Klein !th
28. The Splendor of Silence - Indu Sundaresan -h

Starting date: September 28
Books to date: 28
Pages to date: 6337
Average pages/book: 226

! = I would recommend this book
* = no opinion
- = I would not recommend this book
r - required for school
i - intellectual novel, not for casual readers
c - comedic
t - tearjerker
h - historical fiction
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[28 Jan 2008|12:34pm]

1-20 )
21. The Virgin Suicides - Jeffrey Eugenides !
22. Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen !h
23. The Tyrants: 2500 Years of Absolute Power and Corruption - Clive Foss *h
24. The History of Love - Nicole Krauss !ct
25. Symbolic Interactionism - Joel M. Charon *ri

Starting date: September 28
Books to date: 25
Pages to date: 5334
Average pages/book: 213

! = I would recommend this book
* = no opinion
- = I would not recommend this book
r - required for school
i - intellectual novel, not for casual readers
c - comedic
t - tearjerker
h - historical fiction
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Hello from Wales [17 Jan 2008|10:29pm]

Hi! I just joined. My usual journal is [info]serenbut I made [info]inotherwordsto keep track of the books I am reading this year. So far I've read:

1. "The American Boy" by Andrew Taylor
2. "The Careful Use of Compliments" by Alexander McCall Smith
3. "Mister Pip" by Lloyd Jones

That's three amazing books that I just could not put down. I have two new books waiting for me to read: "Cranford" by Elizabeth Gaskall and "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak.

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[16 Jan 2008|06:34pm]

I'm going to start my list of planned readings and come back later and add my commentary about them.  I'm hoping this way I'll actually finish all of my required readings and remember what I wanted to start next.

1.  Candide by Francois Voltaire r
2.  Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad r
3.  Jude The Obscure by Thomas Hardy r
4.  Stranger Than Fiction by Chuck Palahniuk

Start Date:  January 16, 2008
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[16 Jan 2008|09:54am]

We need to get this community going! The 50 book challenge is worth it, in my opinion.

1-17 )
18. The Namesake - Jhumpa Lahiri !
19. The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls !ct
20. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close - Jonathan Safran Foer !c
21. The Virgin Suicides - Jeffrey Eugenides !
22. Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen !h

Starting date: September 28
Books to date: 22
Pages to date: 5657
Average pages/book: 257

! = I would recommend this book
* = no opinion
- = I would not recommend this book
r - required for school
i - intellectual novel, not for casual readers
c - comedic
t - tearjerker
h - historical fiction
7 comments|post comment

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