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Keywords: ☆ so speak of my obituary of requiem
Keywords: ☆ and find the blessed silence within me
Keywords: ☆ give me the sweetest apathy to love
Keywords: ☆ hide the lies that created my reality
Keywords: ☆ with gentle smile that touches hearts
Keywords: ☆ harsh caress of steel over sensitivity
Keywords: ☆ temper strike unleashed on bare hands
Keywords: ☆ majority rules and you begin to lose
Keywords: ☆ and by misery you will cast them away
Keywords: ☆ as if caring could rip my heart out
Keywords: ☆ find no reasons because there are no
Keywords: ☆ i simply wanted an object to crave
Keywords: ☆ our love had been so strong for far
Keywords: ☆ a lonely road crossed another cold
Keywords: ☆ i'm coming to kill you won't leave
Keywords: ☆ i wanna shoot the whole day down
Keywords: ☆ feels like the wight of the world
Keywords: ☆ but i've become what i can't be
Keywords: ☆ need the person who can be true to you

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