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Here are the userpics for [info]rockbottomriser. Get notified when they upload a new one.
Keywords: I love my mother
palaeopirates @ IJ
Keywords: I love my father
gimcrack @ IJ
Keywords: I love my sisters too
gimcrack @ IJ
Keywords: I bought this guitar
gimcrack @ IJ
Keywords: to pledge my love
keysmashing @ IJ
Keywords: to pledge my love to you
keysmashing @ IJ
Keywords: I am a rock
keysmashing @ IJ
Keywords: bottom riser
keysmashing @ IJ
Keywords: and I owe it all to you
keysmashing @ IJ
Keywords: I saw a gold ring
keysmashing @ IJ
Keywords: at the bottom of the river
keysmashing @ IJ
Keywords: glinting
keysmashing @ IJ
Keywords: at my foolish heart
gimcrack @ IJ
Keywords: oh my foolish heart
gimcrack @ IJ
Keywords: had to go diving
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: diving diving
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: into the murk
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: and from the bottom of the river
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: I looked up for the sun
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: which had shattered in the water
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: and the pieces were raining down
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: like gold rings
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: that passed through my hands
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: as I thrashed and grabbed
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: I started rising
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: rising
chthonicons @ IJ
Keywords: rising rising
icondust @ IJ
Keywords: I left my mother
Keywords: I left my father
Keywords: I left my sisters too
thedramagirl @ LJ
Keywords: left them standing on the banks
thedramagirl @ LJ
Keywords: and they pulled me out
gimcrack @ IJ
Keywords: of this mighty mighty river
gimcrack @ IJ
Keywords: I am a rock bottom riser
gimcrack @ IJ
Keywords: and I owe it all to you.
gimcrack @ IJ

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