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Here are the userpics for [info]pippa. Get notified when they upload a new one.
Keywords: Neutral > Pretty girl
Keywords: Unhappy > Eavesdropping
These are all <lj user="baobabble>
Keywords: Romance > About to kiss
Keywords: Romance > Kissy
Keywords: Happy > Humble
Keywords: Unhappy > Oh NO oh no.
Keywords: Annoyed > Yeah. Right.
Keywords: Unhappy > Very hurt
Keywords: Neutral > Cute buns
Keywords: Happy > Windswept
Keywords: Angry > Pippa will kill you.
Keywords: Unhappy > Unsure
Keywords: Happy > Oh so smuggy
Keywords: Annoyed > Hmm...bite me.
Keywords: Unhappy > Reading bad news
Keywords: Unhappy > Teary baby
Keywords: Annoyed > Now just SHUT UP.
Keywords: Silly > I R EXPLAINY KITTNE.
Keywords: Happy > We will get it done!
Keywords: Unhappy > Whoa snakes scare me
Keywords: Neutral > Err...right.
Keywords: Neutral > Thinking 'bout it
Keywords: Neutral > Um huh what?
Keywords: Unhappy > Gaspy sob
Keywords: Unhappy > Holding back tears
Keywords: Unhappy > Angry tears
Keywords: Neutral > Touching lips
Keywords: Annoyed > Tryin so hard!
Keywords: Neutral > Pippa is unimpressed.
Keywords: Unhappy > WOT?
Keywords: Annoyed > Pippa TOLD you so.
Keywords: Annoyed > I will bite you.
Keywords: Unhappy > Shocked
Keywords: Neutral > Superior
Keywords: Neutral > ...
Keywords: Annoyed > Pssh.
Keywords: Angry > I be yellin!
Keywords: Annoyed> You know you sound like an ass
Cause you sound like an ass.
Keywords: Neutral > Riiiight dude.
Keywords: Happy > Cutie patootie
Keywords: Neutral > Chin support
Keywords: Neutral > Pippa in the grass
Keywords: Neutral > Gettin down to bizniz
Longbottom style.
Keywords: Happy > Sheer delight
Keywords: Happy > Sunny
Keywords: Neutral > Yeah but...no.
Keywords: Annoyed > Eyeroll
Keywords: Unhappy > Resigned
Keywords: Happy > Ahh? Ah ah? Aaaah?
You know you wanna!
Keywords: Neutral > Um. Err. Ooh?
Keywords: Silly > HAY I R HEER
Keywords: Neutral > Workin' hard
Hardly working?
Keywords: Neutral > Pippa knows best
Keywords: Neutral > Lovely in profile
Keywords: Happy > :D
Keywords: Unhappy > What the fuck man?
Keywords: Neutral > TOO. MANY. WORDS.
This is so something she's making herself read because of Mr. Prewett.
Keywords: Angry > fury
Keywords: Silly > UM OMG HAY GUYS
Keywords: Neutral > Determined
Keywords: Unhappy > Little one stands alone
Keywords: Neutral > Back
Keywords: Happy > So fond
Keywords: Happy > Just chuffed
Keywords: Unhappy > So hurt and devestated
Keywords: Neutral > Daydreaming
Keywords: Happy > Gigglefit
Keywords: Happy > Omg really?
Keywords: Annoyed > Are you bloody serious?
No, he's over at [info]unblack, har har har!
Keywords: Happy > I've got a secret!
Keywords: Happy > It's a really good secret!
Keywords: Happy > Giggly chuffed
Keywords: Happy > Miss Pippa is pleased!
Keywords: Happy > No wai!
Keywords: Annoyed > Your face looks dumb.
Keywords: Unhappy > eeeeew.
Keywords: Unhappy > Wearied
Keywords: Annoyed > Sooo not amused
Keywords: Neutral > Coaxtive
Keywords: Unhappy > But...no tho!
Keywords: Neutral > Taken aback
Keywords: Unhappy > I don't know what to do
Keywords: Unhappy > V. v. tired
Keywords: Unhappy > Looking in on the good life
Keywords: Unhappy > I might be due never to find
Keywords: Unhappy > Hurry hurry hurry
Keywords: Neutral > Ehhh.
Keywords: Unhappy > Sore
Keywords: Unhappy > Look to the sky
Keywords: Unhappy > It goes where?
Keywords: Unhappy > Eeeeew oh noes.
Keywords: Unhappy > I'm pretty sure that's not phy
Keywords: Unhappy > Oh BARF.
Keywords: Neutral > ILU
Keywords: Neutral > Intrigued
Keywords: Neutral > Oh. Shit?
Keywords: Unhappy > Crying
Keywords: Unhappy > Well fuck guys.
Keywords: Unhappy > I need your help.
Keywords: Unhappy > Well guys we're fucked
Keywords: Annoyed > Here's what we're gonna do
Keywords: Unhappy > ...I got nothin.
Keywords: Happy > Squee!
Keywords: Annoyed > It's not like that nitwit
Keywords: Annoyed > I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE.
Keywords: Neutral > Smooth-faced
Keywords: Happy > Good surprise!
Keywords: Happy > Hee! Tee hee!
Keywords: Happy > In profile
Keywords: Happy > Bwee
Keywords: Silly > WTF is that?
Keywords: Neutral > Well...look on the bright side
Keywords: Happy > Ooooh buuuurn!
Keywords: Silly > AHHHHH
Keywords: Angry > Sneer
Keywords: Angry > Bite me doughboy
Keywords: Angry > PHASERS SET TO KILL
Keywords: Angry > Not gonna take it!
Keywords: Angry > WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
Keywords: Angry > Kill and kill and die and kill
Keywords: Neutral > Oh now it is on
Keywords: Neutral > Do not think it means
Keywords: Neutral > Cause that looks squishy.
Keywords: Neutral > I love you though you are dumb
Keywords: Neutral > May I help you?
Keywords: Neutral > Reading it out
Keywords: Happy > Tra la la!
Keywords: Neutral > Good guys always win
In the end.
Keywords: Neutral > Sleeping
Keywords: Happy > Gleeface

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