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Current Pictures

Here are the userpics for [info]callidora. Get notified when they upload a new one.
Keywords: Neutral > Slytherin princess
Keywords: Unhappy > ...you aren't serious.
Keywords: Neutral > Updo glamour
Keywords: Unhappy > Kicked puppy face
Keywords: Neutral > Last beautiful girl
Keywords: Happy > Pleased over shoulder
Keywords: Neutral > Pursed lips
Keywords: Amused > Incredulous
Keywords: Amused > Tiny little tongue
Keywords: Amused > ...Err?
Keywords: Unhappy > Ohmygosh ohshit
Keywords: Neutral > Blue sweater
Keywords: Neutral > Coy
Keywords: Happy > Porcelain girl
Keywords: Happy > Blue-eyed wonder
Keywords: Neutral > Cape hood down
Keywords: Unhappy > How could you?
Keywords: Neutral > Rosy glow
Keywords: Neutral > Orly?
Keywords: Neutral > Cape hood up
Keywords: Unhappy > Eyelined
Keywords: Amused > Holding back laughter
Keywords: Happy > Hmm? You sure bout that?
Keywords: Neutral > Laying with roses
Keywords: Unhappy > Black gown profile
Keywords: Neutral > Black gown with roses
Keywords: Neutral > On ground with skirt
Keywords: Neutral > ...orly.
Keywords: Unhappy > Uncertain
Keywords: Happy > Yellow
Keywords: Annoyed > Oh whateverz
Keywords: Neutral > What was that?
Keywords: Happy > Bwee lippy
Keywords: Happy > Oh you
Keywords: Happy > I know something you don't know
Keywords: Happy > Smuggy pleased
Keywords: Happy > Humble
Keywords: Amused > Oh is THAT what you think
Keywords: Happy > Embrace
Keywords: Neutral > Err...don't think so.
Keywords: Amused > Pfffft
Keywords: Happy > Enthused
Keywords: Neutral > Whatchu talkin bout
Keywords: Unhappy > SOB (PH)
Keywords: Unhappy > How could you?! (PH)
Keywords: Unhappy > Teary resigned (PH)
Keywords: Unhappy > Oh nooooes (PH)
Keywords: Unhappy > Hyperventilating (PH)
Keywords: Unhappy > Weepy (PH)
Keywords: Unhappy > Pkease god (PH)
Keywords: Happy > Well aren't you cute!
Keywords: Annoyed > ...that's not on the chart!
Keywords: Angry > ...niiiice.
Keywords: Unhappy > Oh...look at the time...
Keywords: Angry > What the piss
Keywords: Boy > Embrace
Keywords: Silly >OMG WE HAVE TO HURRY
Keywords: Unhappy > Pleeease please please
Keywords: Annoyed > You're kidding me right?
Keywords: Annoyed > Oh fuck what?
Keywords: Amused > Oh! Well then!
Keywords: Unhappy > Pout
Keywords: Unhappy > :] fake smile
Keywords: Unhappy > ...pursed lips
Keywords: Annoyed > WTF is that?
Keywords: Unhappy > So hurt
Keywords: Neutral > Tucking hair back
Keywords: Neutral > Wavy hair
Keywords: Happy > Elbow
Keywords: Happy > Totally smug
Keywords: Happy > Sweet
Keywords: Boy > OMG WTF why are you in my bed
Keywords: Silly > :O
Keywords: Silly > Who is theeeere?
Keywords: Angry > Jawclench
Keywords: Boy > Kissypoo
Keywords: Unhappy > Suspiciously pale
Keywords: Unhappy > o.0
Keywords: Neutral > Naturally delicate
Keywords: Unhappy > Wide-eyed
Keywords: Unhappy > Pale as porcelain
Keywords: Neutral > Pretty as a picture
Keywords: Angry > Green tinted
Keywords: Unhappy > Long legged
Keywords: Unhappy > Perfect green dress
Keywords: Happy > Sunshiney
Keywords: Happy > Loves her girls!
Keywords: Neutral > Sweetness incarnate
Keywords: Annoyed > Beige
Keywords: Unhappy > Distance
Keywords: Happy > Big old smile
Keywords: Happy > Sly
Keywords: Neutral > Seeing your soul
Keywords: Neutral > Putting hair up
Keywords: Neutral > Restful in purple
Keywords: Annoyed > So what you're saying is...
Keywords: Happy > Content
Keywords: Angry > OMFG
Keywords: Neutral > Coy coy
Keywords: Neutral > Summer
Keywords: Silly > Hiiieeeee
Keywords: Unhappy > Terrified
Keywords: Unhappy > Serious poutage
Keywords: Neutral > Oh the sun is shining bright
Keywords: Neutral > Really?
Keywords: Neutral > A lady in the wood
Keywords: Neutral > Doll-like
Keywords: Unhappy > ...oh no.
Keywords: Unhappy > Devestation
Keywords: Happy > So really very smug
Keywords: Happy > Peach complexion
Keywords: Neutral > Bright colours
Keywords: Neutral > Braids
Keywords: Neutral > Pigtails
Keywords: Unhappy > Gorgeous
Keywords: Neutral > crossed hands over head
Keywords: Unhappy > Deeply hurt
Keywords: Angry > Callidora will kill you.
Keywords: Neutral > Cheekbones
Keywords: Neutral > Sharp look
Keywords: Annoyed > Kill Septimus Face
Keywords: Amused > Sporfle
Keywords: Neutral > Disbelieving
Keywords: Happy > Chuffed
Keywords: Amused > Heh
Keywords: Silly > Oop!
Keywords: Happy > Suppressing pleasure
Keywords: Neutral > Um wot.
Keywords: Neutral > Exquisite
Keywords: Neutral > Curls
Keywords: Silly > Well ya know

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