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Here are the userpics for [info]backintheussr. Get notified when they upload a new one.
Keywords: you have two coffees
Keywords: one of them is one coffee too many
Keywords: for you on a health kick
Keywords: try to lead a middle-aged aged life
Keywords: well it's either that or drop dead
Keywords: wait till you get older than this
Keywords: and then turn around and tell me
Keywords: I was young for my age
Keywords: yeah and it feels like 1974
Keywords: waiting for the waves to come
Keywords: and crash on the shore
Keywords: but you're far inland
Keywords: you're in funky denim wonderland
Keywords: you and David Crosbie and
Keywords: a bloke with no hand
Keywords: you've got hair in places
Keywords: most people haven't got brains
Keywords: but it feels like 1974
Keywords: Syd Barrett's last session
Keywords: he can't sing anymore
Keywords: he's gonna have to be Roger now
Keywords: for the rest of his life
Keywords: Python's last series and
Keywords: the Guardian said
Keywords: "the stench of rotting minds"

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