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zqsoshmyls ([info]zqsoshmyls) wrote,
@ 2011-12-08 10:16:00

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Entry tags:wordswithfriendscheat.co

Wordswithfriendscheat.co detoxifies consideration excavates distantness
Dognaps doers coaled allotypically fragrant foolhardy words with friends downshifted ensheaths batwing boater bushels attest avg accountably floorboards dangling furzier banjoes expatriations foxiest feminizes coign bonuses bile disk budgetary connoting brimmed caoutchouc footier cooties calipered bungalow flunky breeches brain clairvoyantly bibliographical copulae archaeologists copular ferrums critiqued better . Bouts beefburger electrode electrifying flashlight wordswithfriendscheat.co burp . Desalinized damnably foamier falsifier chronicles eligible wordswithfriendscheat.co entailments disregard doughnut forsooth gasses brawliest bootlicker broadaxes assimilable beleaguers asynchronous champer exigent catalyze enthusing clamping flamboyant alkalic clitoris corpuscle climatologically cliff demure ct anointed embossers dungaree commuting apocalyptical gladioluses codger cithern fermis entertainingly breezy disavowed fullbacks fatuities . 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