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After getting used to life in freedom [09 Jan 2013|05:13pm]
Return postage coupons found in a letter he received from abroad. He realized that he could buy foreign copoane a tiny price (due to fixed prices after the war) and then sell them in the U.S. with a profit of 400%. This was a form of arbitrage and it was legal. Ponzi began to borrow money from friends and acquaintances, promising them between 50-100% profit in 90 days. He founded his own company "The Security Xchange Company" TheStumpOnline.com to promote the scheme.

About this investment quickly spread and before long Ponzi was living in a luxurious villa. Her money came at a fantastic rate, but a careful financial analysis showed that he actually made money but he quickly lost. For every dollar taken in deeper into debt. And as money flowed continuously, Ponzi was heading rapidly towards collapse.

Soon people became suspicious and negative press has published some articles about it. Inevitably people began to demand money. Shortly after, federal agents raided his office and i have closed. No stamps found and all those who invested with Ponzi lost every penny. It is possible that the damage to have been $ 10 million. Ponzi pleaded guilty to tax evasion and mail was sent to jail. After a break was caught and sent back to complete their sentence. Eventually he was deported back to Italy and died in poverty in 1949.

3. Joseph Weil [Born: 1877 Died: 1975]

Joseph "Yellow kid" Weil was one of the most famous con men of his era. Throughout his career believed that he had stolen more than $ 8 million. At his first job as a tax collector, he realized that his colleagues collected debts, but kept some of the money for them. Weil started a protection business, offering them not ads in exchange for a percentage of their revenues.

Also using fake oil business, women, race fixing, and an endless array of tricks to steal from an audience every day anymore. Their identity can change daily to achieve their goals: one day he was Dr. Henri Reuel, a leading geologist who traveled around the world and tell everyone that is representative of a large oil companies while leaving them without money "investing in fuel. "Next day was the" Elysium Development Company ", promising them land while robbing innocents with abstract fees. Or he was a chemist par excellence, who had discovered how to copy dollar bills; promised to increase wealth, multiply banknotes and money disappear before the police appear.

4. Victor Lustig [Born: 1890, Died: 1947]

Victor Lustig was known as "the man who sold the Eiffel Tower." He was born in Bohemia but later moved to Paris where he could escrocheze people in his frequent road between Paris and New York. Scam His first was to them show people a device that could print $ 100 bills. He said the only problem was that people can print only one bill each 6 hours. lot of people gave a lot of money (usually over $ 30,000). The In fact, the device contained two real $ 100 bill and once it ends, drove the car white bills. Till buyers discovered this, Lustig disappear with their money TheStumpOnline.com.

In 1925, while France was reeling after the war, maintaining the Eiffel Tower was very expensive for the city of Paris. When Lustig read about this in the newspaper, he got a great idea. After fake government papers, invited six scrap sellers at a secret meeting at a hotel. He explained that Paris can not afford to maintain the tower and it will be sold for scrap. He said that the reason for their meeting secret is that the public is likely to be upset on hearing the news that the tower will be moved.
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