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Welcome to the Tamagotchi Ocean! I am an avid collector of virtual pets, including the original Japanese Tamagotchi. Have a look around at my collection, comment and feel free to ask any and all questions. News updates, logs and other virtual pet information can be found below! :) Have a great day!
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Back January 2014
The Tamagotchi Ocean!
Reviews, ratings, pictures, collectables, virtual pets
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Collection Criteria Update
I have decided that since my virtual pet collecting has been getting a bit out of hand lately, I no longer intend to collect different shell designs of the same pet. For awhile I thought it was a good idea to get all the shell designs of pets I particularly enjoy, but its not financially responsible. I went on several binges, collecting every shell of every Angelgotchi (Japanese, American and European), and had intended to buy more Uminos, Morinos and Osu-Mesu pairs, but I've now decided against it. From now on I will only collect one of each pet and it will have to be the cutest design.

Another criteria that I have set is that unless a pet is super-duper rare, I will not be spending over $25 for any other pet. So unless its a Yasashii or something, its not worth it. Even if I have to scour eBay for years just to find a pet for very cheap, I won't be buying anymore expensive pets.

I've also decided that I should not buy more than about 2 pets per month. So at the most I can only spend about $50 on pets per month. I don't want to turn into a hoarder. It gets pretty hard to resist when you actually have income coming in for once. I can't let it go to my head. I had previously gone the entirety of about a year and a half without buying any pets. That was because I was unemployed!

In other news, I have bought a few more pets on eBay:
*Hanerutchi 2 (another version of an Entama)
*a Lot of 6 Giga Pets that I had been wanting for a very long time (Chimp, Looney Tunes, Koala, T-Rex and Digital Doggie). I might give away the Looney Tunes to a friend depending on how cute I think it is or not (I never did enjoy Looney Tunes to be honest).

If I get anymore pets anytime soon I'm just going to buy the Hanerutchi Keitai and that's it. I should take a break from it for awhile since I've been buyin so many. Part of it may be due to boredom. I'll just have to find better things to do with my time :P Especially since some of the pets I've bought I haven't even used yet! Ugh...

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Long Time No Update!
So not much has changed, but I have done an update. I started up my Baby Byte a few weeks ago and let that run for about a week. After about 5 days she reverted back to infancy (not sure why). Anyway, I had a lot of fun with her and updated her review so go check it out in the sidebar.

Because I liked the Baby Byte so much I went out and bought the other virtual pet by the manufacturer known as Trendmasters. This is also a vintage virtual pet, but its functionality is vastly different! I look forward to playing with it. With the Panda also came a vintage Tamagotchi P2 and an 8-in-1 Multipets, which I plan on sending to my friend who lives in Pennsylvania :) I had to buy all three just to get the Panda, but I already have the other two, so I figured someone else could use them.

In other news, I broke down and bought other virtual pets after my last post, but not many:
*Innovative Time Dinosaur Watch Pet (aka Ganbare!! Ryuuta-kun)
*Innovative Time Dog Watch Pet

That's it. I ran the Dog for about 22 days and it grew about 3 times. After that it got a little dull since it didn't seem like it was going to transform again after all that time, so I took the battery out. I have to say it was a pretty cute pet and I recommend it to anyone who wants an easy pet to care for throughout the busy day. I'll do a more thorough review on it later. The Lovely/Honey Bear, Dinosaur watch and Dog watch all have the same kind of programming, so I suspect they are all by the same manufacturer. Now that I have summer vacation I can actually take some pictures and write more reviews. I'm currently playing with a V2 and an Osu-Mesu pair, but I will start up a new pet after that :)

Current Mood: accomplished

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Updates coming
So I bought a bunch of Tamagotchis over the past couple of months. I'm going to take a break from buying anymore since it was kind of ridiculous how far into it I got. I think I spent about $300... Kind of insane :(

* 3 European Angelgotchis (missing the yellow one)
* 1 Silver European P2
* 1 Pink European P1
* 1 special edition Hong Kong P1
* 1 Green Japanese P1 Type 1
* 1 Milky White Japanese P1 Type 2
* 1 golden egg Micro-Pet Dinosaur
* 1 yellow Orrr Orrr Dino
* 2 Uratamas (white and blue)
* 1 Entama (green swirls)
* 1 rare V2 connection (milky white with pink hearts)
* one set of Osu/Mesu (green stars and orange hearts)
* 1 rare Keitai connection (pink with strawberries)
* 1 Yellow Japanese Famitama
* 1 brown Takara Horse pet
* 1 Reptar Giga Pet
* 1 blue Tamagotchi IDL English

There might be more and I may have just forgotten, but that is just... a lot *sigh* I think I just won't buy anything else this year except for a Tamagotchi P... *sigh*

I will take some pictures and update later... maybe over Spring Break.


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URL update
Recently it came to my attention that the domain I was using to redirect to this website was not working. I went to the url provider and found that apparently the entire website has been shut down. I'm not sure if this is temporary or if they just completely went out of business. So I've switched the url from to, which sounds better anyway in my opinion.

As for everything else, I am still maintaining the website. I still haven't had time to play with any Tamagotchis lately, but I will at the end of the year when I'm on a break from work and school. Hopefully next semester will be more laid back so I'll be making money and hopefully be able to afford to buy at least a couple of new Tamagotchis next year :) I'm really working on saving my money though, so we'll see. I'm also attempting to collect some of the necklaces from Kumacrafts! Check out the tumblr:

I've already collected three :) They are quite beautiful and very high quality.

It may have come to some people's attention that all of my avatars still say on them. I will remedy this later since all of them were edited by me and I will have to go back and recrop and readd text to everything since I didn't save any of the icons without the text :/ My mistake. It will be tedious to do this, but it'll happen eventually.

Current Mood: cheerful

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Long time no update!
Hello everyone! I just wanted to put in an update as to what I'm doing regarding the site. I have not had opportunity to play with my virtual pets lately because I have recently begun studies to become a teacher, which will take me about a year to get done. So any virtual pets that I have that I haven't reviewed yet will probably remain on the back-burner for awhile. That said, I am still taking steps to maintain the site when I have free time. Recently shut down. They are either down temporarily, or they have gone out of business. Because of this I have switched the url from to, which sounds better anyway in my opinion. So the site is not going anywhere any time soon. It seems like I have been getting an influx of comments recently, which I am glad about! I'm glad people are coming by and reading what I've posted. I try to respond to every comment I get, even if its anonymous. Please be aware that all anonymous comments will be screened and subject to approval, and any user comments will be unscreened for anyone to reply to. Screened comments will not be able to receive replies from any other user unless they are unscreened by me :) So if you don't see your comment on the site right away, its probably because I haven't seen it yet. I check my email every day so I am able to unscreen comments regularly and frequently, so your questions will always get answered in a timely manner. Thanks for stopping by!

Current Mood: busy

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This is my first news update for this website! I am also the moderator over at [info]virtualpets so feel free to join if you so wish! Its open to everyone :)

I will try to get a few pages up today with pictures and reviews of some of my Tamagotchis.

Current Mood: amused