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Welcome to the Tamagotchi Ocean! I am an avid collector of virtual pets, including the original Japanese Tamagotchi. Have a look around at my collection, comment and feel free to ask any and all questions. News updates, logs and other virtual pet information can be found below! :) Have a great day!
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Dinkie Dino (Raku Raku Dinokun)
graphic curtesy of sunnygraphics of The Dinkie Dino (aka Rakurakudinokun) is a generic virtual pet that was out on the market shortly after Tamagotchis first appeared. It has a bunch of cute dinosaur characters. Game play is a little different. All of the icons go up and down the side instead of across the bottom and top. The Pixels are also a tad bigger. It also has more buttons that do different things. Depending on what you feed it, it will follow a different growth pattern (carnivore, omnivore, and herbavore I presume). It is widely considered to be one of the best non-Tamagotchi virtual pets ever made because it didn't just copy the Tamagotchi but seemed to take a whole new approach. Some unique features of the Dinkie Dino include: air conditioning, school, and paper-rock-scissors. I give this Virtual pet a 9.5 out of 10 for having cute characters, a cute shell design, awesome features and unique navigation. The only thing that is lacking is a pause feature, because if you accidentally forget to give it a shot it will die kind of easily. It is not a difficult pet to care for other than that, though.

Here are some pictures of the ones I currently own:


There are quite a few Dinkie Dinos available on eBay right now running in the $50-70 price range, which is kinda high considering they aren't terribly rare (I've always seen Dinkie Dinos on eBay so its not like they are a chance occurrence). Be careful when buying from eBay because there are a lot of fake Dinkie Dinos. You can tell they are fake because their screens are noticeably smaller. If it doesn't have a nice wide screen then it is probably not the one you want. It's hard to tell because they come in exactly the same package. And whatever you do, avoid the ones that say "49 in 1". They are not Dinkie Dinos. Just crummy 49 in 1s with lousy options.

Dinkie Dino Growth Chart

(NOTE: Chart curtesy of


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