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Aine Gold ([info]super_wren) wrote,
@ 2011-06-27 18:54:00

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A Night To Remember
The semester was over and Aine thought she had done fairly well on her finals. But that wasn't important right now. The biggest frat party of the year was tonight and her and Luna were going out to have some fun which probably would involve quite a lot of drinking.

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2011-06-29 04:56 pm UTC (link)
Luna walked into the party with Aine, her arm linked in through hers. Normally, Luna wasn't one for extreme partying, but tonight she was going to have some fun!

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2011-06-29 05:05 pm UTC (link)
Aine was of course going to keep an eye on Luna to make sure she was alright.

The party was already in full swing when they got there.

"Come on Luna," Aine says, "Lets go get some beer at the keg."

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