a touch of the B A S I C S  name: Sakura Rosealee Ishikawa age: 17 birthdate: January 1st pb Lee Hyori Nicknames: Kura, Rosealee Blood Status: Pureblood GPA: A student Electives: Advanced Dance, Magical Games and Sports & Drawing and Painting
 a sparkling P E R S O N A L I T Y  She is a perfectionist, plain and simple. She's inherently stubborn and tenacious, so even if something seems impossible she WILL try. She will attempt to survive it and excel. "Even if it kills me" is a phrase that can be heard from her lips when she's trying. When life hands her lemons, she makes lemonade then squeezes the juice into the wounds of her foes. She loves knowledge and loves searching for answers. Sakura is a rare flower among her family - she's taller than most of her family and it made her shy from grades 8 through 11, when she finally let go of her fears and became rather playful, out going and friendly.
Sakura is skilled with cooking, tai chi, Baguazhang and enjoys horseback riding. She's learning to be a good dancer - as tai chi lends itself to such skills. She is strong in balance, potions and defensive spells, although she's hesitant about the use of any other magicks - she's not confident in those in the least. She can be rather easily amused and distracted, both a bonus and a weakness.
 lets get P H Y S I C A L  blood type: O Negative sexuality: Straight. appearance: Sakura is a tall girl at just five foot eleven, but don't let her height scare you. Her long hair hangs neatly to frame her face, and is well taken care of. Various hues of golden brown shimmer in the moonlight, and even blacks can be found from time to time within those silken waves. Black eyes peer out from behind fashionable dark red framed glasses, although, hey are unnecessary all the time. Their gentle almond shape is sharpened by lime green eye shadow. She's wrapped in black silk that cover just enough of her upper half to keep her legal but daring the lines and rules of sophisticated society. Her hips are wrapped in black boy short style shorts and her legs disappear into combat style boots. She's your every day, sweet, ass-kicking Asian, who knows damn well she's hot. From year 11 to now, she's grown up a lot, and gotten comfortable in her own skin.
history: She was born on a New Year's day in Beijing. From day one she was a trouble maker, always rushing through school, and dashing off to some trouble or other. She was born to Zhang Ishikawa and Shao Ishikawa the second born and the first girl. Her brother, Hiro ,was born five years before her. When she was but four, she began showing signs of being a witch - with such outbursts as minor destruction of small items. As a child she was enrolled in Baguazhang, and she's fallen in love with the flowing martial art. Her parents both were Tai Chi enthusiasts - so once she was deemed old enough to appreciate it, she was enrolled along with her sibling.
Despite the fact they moved to the US, and Oregon, when she was ten, she's kept her studies up in both and hopes it will be an asset for any potential husband. She can defend herself and is rather flexible. Can't say THAT's a negative right? She was raised in China until she was ten, when the family moved to Oregon since then she's rather enjoyed the country and the state. She was ushered into joining the Eligere Institute and enrolled in the AMP. She's found herself bored with classes, mostly because she isn't thrilled with all of the required ones, and that's okay. She'll survive, she always does. She was given Russell as a pairing, and even though they've been living together for a year she's not sure how things are going to go.
IThis arranged marriage thing is a bit strange, and the school is vastly different from those back home. It's a bit weird, over all, but she's managed to adjust and rather likes it. She still gets up at 5am to work on her Tai Chi and finds time to practice Bagau, and relax. She's not big into spending time alone, though and has offered many times to teach others Tai Chi.  and a bit M O R E  special skills: Plays piano, speaks Japanese, English, Korean, Mandarin, can sing, dance she practices Bagau and Tai Chi.
strengths: Intelligence: She'ss a smart girl, naturally inquisitive and interested in learning She reads voraciously on anything and everything that interests her, is quad-lingual, and has a great memory.
Strong Will: AKA stubbornness in a positive light. When she sets her mind on accomplishing something, she won't quit until she gets it right. From this also stems a strong loyalty, which makes her a good friend to have on the rare occasions she's actually able to form that kind of bond. Spaz: she's hyper and she's a spaz. She has boundless energy and rather enjoys this fact. 
