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September 8th, 2010

Biography: Gray Stone

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Gray Stone

Gray has lived in Pleasantview for almost his entire life. Born in 1967 and raised in the same town he was born in. He is something of an father figure to his is niece Amelia after the death of her parents (Gray's sister Alicia and brother-in-law Jacob Doyle) and is in fact her legal guardian.

At a young age he knew he wanted to be a writer and he never faltered in seeking out his dream career. He was published at the age of 17, a full length novel and has written at least one novel every year since.

That changed when he met Evangeline. He fell immediately in love with her, however the words stopped and he hasn't been able to write a single thing in the two years (almost) that they've been together. He's willing to forsake the words so long as he can have Angel.

They married this summer and he is attempting to write a novel closer to the cuff, something more like his real life than the fictional worlds he previously created.
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