Rules!Drama→ We all love some good in character (IC) drama but out of character(OOC) drama is not frowned upon, it's not tolerated! Nothing spoils someones muse for a game faster then with OOC drama and people crossing the line between OOC and IC. Don't do it. If you catch someone doing it please email the mods @ phoenixazmod @ or send us an IM if you see us online. We want to know about it and we will deal with it. Playing Rules→ Godmodding is not allowed. At all. If we find you godmodding (playing some else's character without their permission) we will give you one warning about it and if you're caught doing it again then we'll kick you.
→ Here at Phoenix we are a bit more relaxed about spelling and grammar then most places. Not everyone's perfect but look over your applications and posts before hitting the submit button. Make sure that your post or application is saying exactly what you want so others do not get confused. Be mindful of typos but don't stress about every little word, comma or semi colon.
→ At this moment there is no character limit. You can come in with two characters to start but after that we ask that you wait a week before picking a new one up. Activity is the key to being able to play more and more characters and you have to stay active with all. If you cannot stay active with all of your characters we will work with you to help keep you active.
→ Activity checks are once a month. We will be looking for one journal post a week and one thread every two weeks. Those that do not meet the activity check will be talked to and worked with. Constantly not meeting the check will result in being removed.
→ If you need a hiatus please email the mod account and let us know. We also ask that you inform the people you have plot with or post in the OOC community. We prefer that your hiatus lasts only a week but if something more major has happened then we will work with you.
→ Canon puncturing is up to the player. If the player asks that their character be non-puncturable then please accept their request. Also note that if your playing a widely popular character like Superman or Gil Grissom that there may be talk of him in game like ‘that was such a Superman move’ or ‘Grissom would totally know that’. If you asked that Grissom or Superman not be punctured then ignore it. If Superman walks up to Gil Grissom and says "I watch CSI all the time and I think your amazing" then come to us and let us know. Shipping→ In panfandoms shipping is a complicated thing. We ask that you do not join just to ship certain characters. If the character you are playing is in an existing relationship and you don’t want them to be in it then you can bring them in prior to the relationship and have them choose to be with someone else. We will not force you to have your character in a relationship you don’t want to be in and if another player is we ask you to come to us and we will sort it out.
→ Heterosexuals, homosexuals and bisexuals all exist in the world but stay true to canon.
→ We know that most people like a good smut scene but others may not. Please if you're going to thread it put a warning up to indicate smut and also make sure your partner is comfortable with the thread, if not please try and work something out.
→ With marriage comes babies, mostly so as a way to control this there will be rules. Pregnancies will run in real time or if we do a time jump then will adjust according. Miscarriages happen but if your constantly miscarrying for the drama of it we will warn you and your second warn may result in being asked to leave. As for premature births seven months is our limit since any child born before hand, unless with a stroke of pure luck, normally dies. We're not saying all your babies are going to be perfect and defect free but we would like it to be realistic. PB's→ This is a panfandom so PB's will more then likely overlap with characters. This won't be apparent in game. For example Faith and Echo share the same PB but when they see each other it won't be like looking into a mirror. Think of it like Dead Like Me when George and Mason look into the mirror. Faith will see someone that kind of looks like her but won't think "Wow! She looks just like me! We must be twins."
→ PB's are to be with in 5 years of the characters age. If your character is from a television show you can use their actor. If your character is from a book please use someone appropriate. By that we mean you would not use Taylor Swift for Katniss Everdeen, it simply will not work. If you are having a hard time finding a PB there is PB Updates and if that doesn’t work the wonderful people at Find a PB are amazing at helping you find a PB.
→ We ask that when looking for a PB you find someone with an emotional range. If you opt for a model or musician make sure they have a wide verity of icons to choose from. At this time we have not banned any PB’s but with that in mind we do reserve the right to ask you to pick someone else if we think they won’t work.
→ Please have clear icons that do not show any nudity.
Characters→ We are not allowing original characters (OC’s) at this time. There are enough canon characters out there to pick from that originals are not welcome at this time.
→ We are not going to put a cap on characters or tell you which ones are not allowed in game. We are accepting characters form all forms of media at the moment. We hope that you will exercise your own judgement right now and not try to bring in over powered characters.
→ We do not allow multiples of the same character but if there is more then one media source for a character then we do allow you to choose which media source you wish to use.
→ Unfortunately we hate to have to say this but this is a panfandom which means CELEBS are not welcome, we only accept fictional characters. Game Play.→ You need to have one journal for each character. We ask that you have at least three icons uploaded to that journal. Journal entries will go in phoenixcomm so they count for activity.
→ Character interaction can happen in a few ways. You can log over aim, google docs or however you want to but you must post it in phoenixlogs for it to count. You can also thread activity in that community.
→ The game operates in real time and we don’t allow backdating or placeholders.
→ There will be plot twists and those will be posted by the mods as we go. Aside from the plot twists you’ll really have to create your own character plot.
→ We ask that you don’t stick with a certain group of players or only interact with characters from your own fandom. What fun would that be? Branch out and have interactions with everyone!
→ Most importantly, HAVE FUN! We know we will be. |
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