Character BasicsFULL NAME: Katherine Noelle Lawrence
NICKNAMES: None. She loathes nicknames.
AGE: 16
BIRTHDATE: April 17, 1994
YEAR: 11th Grade.
GRADE POINT AVERAGE: Straight A's. Anything less is completely unacceptable.
CLASSES ENROLLED IN: Core Classes + Literature & Writing (1), Debate & Politics (2), and Advanced Dance (3)
ACTIVITIES: Student Government. Katherine would prefer to be class president. Unfortunately, her betrothed made that particular position his own goal. She has been taught to yield to him. Rather than making this submission known, she merely focused her attention on Sophmore Class Vice-President.
BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood.
POLITICAL VIEWS: Conservative/Purist. Katherine is quite picky about the type of people she will associate with.
MOTHER: Rebecca Lawrence nèe Martin
FATHER: Patrick Lawrence
SIBLINGS: Patrick Lawrence II, 20
EXTENDED FAMILY: Katherine would have several cousins in game. I am open to having them played.
AMP STATUS: Katherine was enrolled in the arranged marriage program at the young age of ten. Her parents received many offers. Ultimately, though, they deemed those families unworthy of their Katherine. They hope to secure their daughter's future while simultaneously connecting their family with an equally influential wizarding family.
AppearanceKatherine is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs about 115lbs.
With slender shoulders and long fingers, she appears quite petite. Her light brown hair usually hangs loose around her shoulders, and aside from occasionally pushing it behind her ears, she doesn't primp or groom it unless she is in the restroom. Her eyes are hazel, and can look green or blue depending on the lighting or the color of her blouse.
She doesn't have many habits or fidgets. Unlike most girls, she doesn't coyly bit her bottom lip or twirl her hair around her fingers. Honestly, she finds those traits a little demeaning. She believes that such nonsense makes you appear unintelligent. At most, you'll catch her toying with the corners of a book while she's reading.
In addition to her clothes being the most expensive brands on the market, she always appears pressed and polished to perfection. It is obvious that she cares about her appearance, but she is not out to impress anyone.
She has danced for years, and her movements, whether she's writing a paper or walking, always seem to be fluid and graceful. While she does occasionally have her moments, you'll rarely find her tripping or stumbling.
PREFERRED PB: Willa Holland
- Dancing. Katherine enjoys dancing. It contributes very little to her future, but she cannot imagine giving it up.
- Learning. Knowledge is power.
- Reading. Reading goes hand in hand with learning, of course, but she loves the way a book feels in her fingers.
Taming of the Shrew. This is her single dirty little secret. As a child, she was not allowed to read books written by muggle authors. Somehow, though, she managed to get her hands on
this story. She absolutely adores it. She owns her own copy, but she keeps it hidden. It is in her possession at all times.
- Ignorance. There is no excuse for ignorance. She fully believes that a person should seek the knowledge they need.
- Stupidity. There is no excuse for stupidity. Any respectable person should educate themselves.
- Muggles/Mudbloods. Like any
proper pureblood, Katherine has no tolerance for lesser beings.
- Determined/Driven. Katherine knows what kind of future she desires, and she is willing to do anything to achieve it.
- Graceful. Years of ballet have given her an unnatural grace.
- Intelligent. She is extremely intelligent, and she works continuously to make sure she stays that way.
- Well-Spoken. Everything about Katherine is extremely proper and poised... even her manner of speaking. You will rarely catch her using contractions.
- Elitism. Yes, this is considered a strength. She knows her place in this world. Which means, of course, she knows the place of everyone else, as well.
- Anti-Social. Since her studies come before everything else, she can appear to be very distanced/detached from people or things that she actually cares a lot about.
- Easily Agitated. Katherine does not like to admit it, but it is not difficult to annoy her. A little observation will teach a person exactly what buttons they need to press in order to rile her up. She tries to hide her irritation, of course, but it is not difficult to see if you know what you are looking for.
- Judgmental. She is capable of finding a flaw in even the most perfect of people.
- Self-Righteous. She fully believes that she is superior to her peers.
- Stubborn. Unless propriety requires it, she will not back down.
- Vain. Appearances are
very important. Katherine makes absolutely certain that she is projecting a respectable appearance at all times.
- Control Freak. She would never admit it, but she likes to be in control. She becomes quite flustered when she does not have control over a given situation.
It's quite difficult to describe Katherine. A person's opinion of her greatly depends upon her opinion of them.
To her friends...
friend is such a a relative term.
Katherine does not really have friends. There are those she deems worthy of her time and attention. However, if those people were to suddenly extract themselves from her life, she would not mourn for them. Aside from her immediate family, she truly cares about very few people. If she thinks you are worthy of her time, she can be one of the nicest people you have ever met. If you have somehow managed to make the list of people she
actually cares about, you will quickly learn that she is a very devoted, loyal person. As cliché as it sounds, there is nothing she would not do for someone she loves.
As for those that she does not see as worthy, she does not go out of her way to be mean. After all, they cannot help that they have not been taught the proper values. While she is not the type to walk down the hall randomly insulting her classmates, that does not make her any more pleasant. She simply refuses to acknowledge those that she considers beneath her. Which, honestly, can be just as bad. Most people would prefer to be insulted rather than ignored. Of course, there are those few persistent, annoying miscreants who wont leave well enough alone. To them, she can be quite cruel. Even then, though, she does not lose her cool. Her tone barely changes as she quickly and easily points out every one of their flaws. She is not afraid to let someone know where they
really stand in the grand scheme of things. Unfortunately, she sees a large portion of her classmates as nothing more than common trash.
If she were to be honest with herself, she would have to admit that she avoids most people because she is afraid that she might find something good in one of them. Forming too many inappropriate social connections is not only a waste of time, but it could also distract her from what she wants in life. Deep down she may know that such things do not
really matter. However, she is far too attached to her beliefs to allow them to be tampered with. What is the saying? If you lie with dogs, you get up with fleas. Katherine's plan for her life does not have room for fleas... literally or proverbially.
Katherine studies hard and is quite focused on her work. She spends a lot of her time alone but this is by choice not necessity. While most people are happy to be out goofing off, she has an extremely good work ethic and is largely uninterested in such things. Sure, she does occasionally put the books away to have a good time but it is short lived and she goes right back to work. Of course, her sense of a
good time differs greatly from others her age. School is for receiving the best education possible, after all. It's not for relationships, gossip, or games. She is there to learn and she intends to make the most of it while she can.
Rebecca and Patrick did not have the clichéd relationship that many seem to have at the ages of 16 and 17. While attending school at the Eligere Institute of Magical Edification, the pair had priorities. They were focused on school. They studied hard and worked to earn the grades they needed to move into their ideal futures. Dating and other such frivolities were unimportant and put off until a later, more appropriate date. Though they were similar in actions and attitude, their age difference kept them them apart until both had graduated.
Fortunately, they came from similar, elitist backgrounds. For years, they ran in the same circles, finally managing to meet a short while after Rebecca had finished school. Even then, it was not love at first sight. Their personalities meshed, and they liked one another well enough. It took the encouragement of a busybody socialite (Rebecca's mother) for them to go on their first date.
After a lengthy courtship, the pair was married. Regardless of how things started out, they loved one another deeply, and it took a very short amount of time for them to begin a family. They were blessed, first, with a son... Patrick Lawrence II. Several years later, they were blessed with a daughter. The Lawrences worked hard to raise respectable children, and the effort paid off.
Katherine had a proper upbringing. By proper, of course, we mean pureblood.
Both of her parents were raised with the pureblood elitist frame of mind, and they taught those beliefs to their children. Though Rebecca was less passionate about things such as blood purity, Patrick was an uncompromising purist and raised both of his children to feel as adamant about such things.
Between the two Lawrence children, Katherine would have been most likely to rebel against her upbringing. The thought has never crossed her mind, though.
Rebecca and Patrick were loving parents who made sure that their children had every thing they could ever need or want. As children, Katherine and Patrick II got along well. Honestly, you've never seen a set of siblings so close. Unlike most boys, he didn't view his sister as an annoying side kick. She kept up with him and his friends well enough and was never viewed as a pest (not that he would have allowed that mindset about his baby sister).
Over time, however, Katherine became less interested in how her brother was passing the time. She developed a fondness for other activities and found that she would rather spend the majority of her time dancing. Even after their interests changed, Katherine and Patrick remained close.
The Lawrence's beliefs can be viewed as harsh, but they were a loving family with very few arguments past what they should eat for dessert.
Since arriving at Eligere, Katherine has focused on her academics. She is a straight A student and involved in many extracurricular activities.
It is her intention to run for vice-president of the student government her senior year. She would prefer to hold the office of president, but her betrothed has made that particular position his own goal. Since she has been taught to yield to him, she has focused on attaining the next best thing. Rather than making her submission known she has behaved as though the position of class president has never held her attention.
Katherine spends the allotted time with her betrothed, but it is not something she looks forward to. Though a suitable match, Garrett is beyond annoying. He has very little trouble riling her up, and she feels as though he takes advantage of that fact. She does not look forward to spending her life with him, but she knows that their marriage will connect her family with one of the most influential wizarding families in the world. That is what marriage is about, after all. She does not need to love Garrett Pitt, she merely has to respect him.
OOC InfoNAME: Crystal
E-MAIL ADDRESS: hopeguidesme [at] mac [dot] com
TIMEZONE: Eastern [GMT-5]
katherinaLINK TO PUBLIC BIO: FONT: Lainie Day
BLURB: Katherine is the product of a flawless lineage and a proper upbringing. Determined and driven, she knows what kind of future she desires is willing to do anything to achieve it. She is in complete agreement with her family's purist ideals. As such, she knows her place in this world, and more importantly, she knows the place of everyone else.