Keegan Howe -
September 2011
Sat, Jul. 31st, 2010 11:00 pm


NAME: Keegan Alexander Howe
BIRTHDAY/AGE: November 13, 1993 (Age 17)
FAMILY: Family Tree
BOGGART: The Villainous self. Due to an incident that happened in 8th grade, he’s become rather wary of his own temper.
PATRONUS: When he can properly create one, it will most likely be of a Snow Wolf. Generally, the wolf is a creature with a high sense of loyalty, and is very expressive in its nonverbal communication. It is also a symbol of cunning, compassion, generosity, and intelligence. It is also a social creature, breaking the misconception of the “lone wolf”.
RELIGION: Celtic Senistrognata, though he does have a bit of an eclectic Wiccan flair.
SEXUALITY: Mostly straight. Keegan does have an appreciate for a good looking guy, but he’s never experimented with that attraction.

HOUSE/YEAR: Rienzi, Grade 12
WAND: 13 1/4" Sturdy Hawthorn wood, Fire Crab shell fragment core.
FAMILIAR: Northern Hawk Owl, named Kaepora
BEST CLASSES: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ritual magic.
WORST CLASSES: Latin, History of Magic
ELECTIVES: Wandless II, Ritual Magic II, Spell Theory (Schedule)
EXTRACURRICULARS: Quodpot [Running Back], Dueling Club, Muggle Sports Club

HEIGHT: 5'11 (Topping off at 6')
SENSE OF STYLE: Exceedingly casual. T-shirt, jeans, and converse.
TYPICAL SCENT: Axe: Instinct
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Two lobe piercings in his left ear. Celtic tattoo of a wolf around his right nipple.

DETAILED APPEARANCE: Keegan currently stands at 5’11 and will top off at an even 6’ at the end of his growing period. He has a thin frame and has rather long limbs. Underneath the shirts, one would expect him to just be skinny; in truth, while he’s thin he does have a rather athletic build. That is thanks to Quodpot, training, and running twice a week around the campus.

His slightly unkempt appearance tends to add to his charm instead of detract from it. Keegan’s longer blonde hair is either tied back or let loose, and always a bit messy. His facial features are rather sharp and he was graced with a pair of piercing blue eyes. While he tries very hard to keep his emotions in check, sometimes to the point of having an eerily calm demeanor, those eyes are truly the gateway to his soul and often betray him.

When not forced to wear the school uniform, Keegan dresses rather simply. He is most comfortable in a simple t-shirt and jeans, many of which have a series of holes and certainly give away the fact they are well worn. He prefers wearing sneakers above all else, particularly Converse, though he can occasionally be seen in a pair of Birkenstocks or Doc Martens. Keegan also has a fondness for jewelry; he is never without a necklace and at least one ring.

WHAT'S IN MY POCKETS: Stuff. Most commonly, the stuff on him is his keys, cigarettes, and lighter. At the very least.
LIKES: Vanilla anything, girls, music (alternative, rock, classic rock, celtic, punk), flying, playing guitar, skateboarding, pranks, gummi bears, irish food, summer rain, cars, sports, winning, not getting caught, bending/breaking rules, cigarettes, alcohol, horror movies, horror writers, dueling, school breaks, peaches, changing leaves in autumn, having his hair played with, cooking, dogs, marijuana, the sound of bagpipes.
DISLIKES: Singing in front of people, getting caught, assholes, country music, rap music, classes taught from textbooks, losing, being told what to do, being called Keegs, seatbelt laws, reality TV, drama queens, school uniforms, humorless people, people prying into his personal life, being told to cut his hair.
STRENGTHS: Classes that are more hands-on, flying, Quodpot, singing, playing guitar, dueling, attracting trouble, ritual magic
WEAKNESSES: Classes based on textbooks (especially Latin), can be bribed with cigarettes, craves attention, doesn’t think before he acts sometimes, has a little bit of an ego, tends to daydream in classes when bored

[+] Keegan has been smoking since he was 14. He’s normally not too bad with it unless he’s stressed out or upset, and when he smokes like a chimney.
[+] He’s an excellent singer, however, he’s terrified of singing in front of people. He’s self- conscious about it and doesn’t really think he’s all that good.
[+] Plays with his rings when he feels stressed or nervous.
[+] If you tell Keegan he can’t do something, he’ll probably do it anyway just to spite you.
[+] He loves having his hair played with. It’s the easiest way to calm him down when he’s upset, and if you keep at it long enough, he’ll fall asleep.
[+]</b> His Aunt Marnie is his confidant. She's the one he goes to with all his problems and will tell her anything.
[+] Keegan is not the sort that should be in the sun for long without a good helping of SPF 100. Being very fair skinned (skin type 1 to be specific) he simply doesn’t tan; he burns rather easily, sometimes to the point of blistering. He can get a mild burn within a half hour of being in direct sunlight.

[+] Keegan’s father and aunt are disinherited from the remainder of the Howe family. Cutler was disinherited for marrying Elsie who was not of pure Wizarding blood. Marnie exiled herself as she didn’t agree with her family’s ideals. Keegan and Ken are the first children in the Howe family in generations to have impure blood. The Howes in power do not openly admit there are impurities within the family for fear of losing their reputation.
[+] Keegan, being a flirt and charmer as he is, is still a virgin. Not really by his own choosing. It’s not a fact he openly advertises and he avoids revealing that fact as often as possible; he will also avoid claiming he isn't one.
[+] In March of his 8th grade year, there was a fellow student and friend that angered Keegan to the point where he lashed out furiously. He was unaware that the kid, Douglas Hendee, suffered from severe depression. Keegan’s words had cut the kid enough that he committed suicide by jumping from the top of the Lower Institute dormitory. He was forced to speak with a school counselor about the incident, and has only spoken to his aunt about the blame he felt for it.
[+] In a way, Keegan is a bit of an attention whore. He doesn’t always need to be the center of attention, but he hates being ignored or brushed off.


Some of his peers would say Keegan is one of those guys with the “bad boy” aura about him. He certainly doesn’t always contradict that; he smokes, he drinks, he has an air of disinterest in many classes (though sometimes he is actually listening quite intently), he’s a charmer, and he has a fondness for breaking and bending the rules. Some may even also consider him to be a bit of a lone wolf, metaphorically speaking, and that is both true and isn’t. Keegan prides himself on being an independent soul, but he chooses to surround himself with friends and loved ones. Like a wolf, he prefers to travel in a pack.

Keegan is, generally, a friendly individual. He has a tendency to flirt without really thinking about it, and his voice has a somewhat musical lilt which he uses to his advantage when he aims to charm. He gets along with most people and is the sort to have many acquaintances, though he only has a handful of people that he considers close friends. He has a good sense of humor although it sometimes is a bit on the sarcastic side, and enjoys just letting go and having fun.

When it comes to those close friends, he is exceedingly overprotective. He has the same perspective towards his family. He will stand up for them and is exceedingly loyal; once you gain his trust, he will stick by you through thick and thin, whether you’re right or wrong. Keegan is not below picking a fight in the name of a friend if they’ve been wronged, no matter the chance of him losing it. With that same sense of justice, Keegan will also stand up for anyone he happens to witness being picked on.

In matters of the heart, Keegan is rather two sided. He has had only a small handful of girlfriends in the past due to the fact it’s not always easy to keep his attention. When one does manage to catch his attention, he remains loyal and centered on her. He still does flirt, as it’s simply a part of who his, but it would be completely harmless. Keegan has a rather sappy and romantic side to him, which only the long term girlfriends get to see. He’s a sweetheart and devoted to those who capture his heart.

In an almost contradicting way, Keegan can both be lazy and restless depending on the situation. When he doesn’t have to be up for classes, he often sleeps in past noon and has difficulty wanting to pry himself out of bed. Once he’s comfortable, he doesn’t want to move. When he’s bored, he begins to feel restless. Keegan despises the feeling of being bored and will find something to keep himself occupied. He is slow and lazy to rise, but once he’s up, he’s usually rather active.

On the darker side, he has the tendency to keep his emotions bottled up. Due to the incident with a friend and classmate in 8th grade, he’s afraid to let himself get too emotional. This only sometimes effect his happier moods, but really dominates the negative emotions. He has trained himself to let many insults and offenses bounce off of him, which only works when it is directed it at him. He’s unable to ignore insults to his friends or loved ones. When he’s actively trying not to show emotion, he will don a look of complete calm, though his eyes will sometimes betray him.

He is exceedingly protective of his friends and loved ones. To the point where at times a friend will fail to mention something bad someone else did just to keep him from exacting revenge on their behalf. In relationships, this over protectiveness also sometimes accompanies a possessive nature; what’s his is his and he wants to make sure it stays that way. It’s not that he distrusts his significant other, it’s that he has a tendency to detect threat even when there may not be any.

Keegan also tends to have a competitive streak. He despises losing, especially when it comes to Quodpot. When it comes to that game he gets a little too focused and close-minded about it. He can mope for days after losing a game just as easily as being in a fantastic mood for the following week when his team wins. He even makes jibes, although friendly, to his friends who are in another house and therefore opposing teams. When he is on the field, nothing else matters.

Trouble seems to be a common thing with Keegan, aside from being an earned nickname. Whether it was because of something he did on his own or something he was dragged into by a friend, he has a penchant for getting into trouble. It almost seems to drop into his lap. Several police officers in Ipswich know him by name and he’s spent the night (as his parents would have let him sweat a bit after receiving that phone call) at the station. He’s no stranger to detentions at school, either.

The Howe family is fairly well known in the New England area; they are one of the oldest Wizarding families in Massachusetts. Their line can be traced back to the United Kingdom and one of their most notable members is Elizabeth Howe, a victim of the Salem Witch trials. The Wizarding portion of the family prides itself on the pureblood line. To the point that Keegan’s uncle, Asher IV, disowned his own first born son because he was a Squib. Then Cutler Howe broke a very important rule and married a Witch of questionable blood.

While the fact is not public, Cutler was disinherited from the family although not disowned. Marnie, the eldest in the generation, exiled herself from the family after aiding Cutler in eloping with Elsie Ward; she never agreed with the values of her family and was quite happy becoming one of Salem’s best hedge witches. Cutler has happily become an official in the AAW’s Magical Sports department, while Elsie works as an editor for a local Wizarding newspaper. All in all, fairly average.

Keegan is rather thankful he was born into that portion of the family, three years after his elder brother. He was able to have a relatively normal childhood in comparison to his cousins who were raised amidst the superior mentality with so many rules. Though distanced, there were still traditions and mannerisms that transferred to the estranged family. Keegan has a rather good sense of manners and etiquette, though he doesn’t always put them to any use. Who cares what the placement of silverware goes when you go out to Olive Garden? Still, the good manners comes into play when he feels it could be useful, such as meeting the girlfriend’s family. He’s also a small bit of proof that chivalry isn’t really dead after all.

For the most part, however, Keegan’s childhood was fairly simple. He was teased endlessly by an older brother (“tough love” Ken called it), blamed for his brother’s mischiefs, and suffered his mother’s over maternal nature. He received a toy broom that revealed his love of flying. He spent time with family, especially at his aunt Eleanora’s farm where he learned, badly, how to ride a horse. He spent a lot of time outside, which they soon learned was not a good thing for him without plenty of protection from sunscreen. One thing that did stick out from most normal childhoods was the fact he attended Wiccan ceremonies held in Marblehead by his aunt Marnie. Both boys were exposed to it quite young, and both ended up following close to her footsteps, though they both chose their own tradition.

When it came time, Keegan began attending the local Muggle school in Ipswich. Like the years before school it was all pretty ordinary up until fourth grade. He sometimes got teased and bullied and sometimes got into trouble for picking an argument or throwing things at a girl in class. It was in third grade that Keegan met three boys that would become his friends for life: Theodore Morse, Samuel Forster, and Nicholas Emerson. The four boys would become practically inseparable.

Fourth grade was really the first horrible memory Keegan has; before that it was all small worries and little moments of negative feelings. Shortly after beginning that school year, Keegan had forgotten to dutifully apply his sunscreen before heading outside during the weekend. The weather was still warm and sunny, and naturally the boy spent the whole day outside. He was in pain before he even arrived home for dinner and moment Elsie saw him, she knew they had to get him to the hospital. He spent a couple days under their care and Keegan has despised hospitals ever since.

Keegan’s first sign of magic came later that year. It happened during the Christmas holiday break and he was visiting with his close Muggle friend’s at Sam’s house. The boys always teased each other for almost everything, though at that time the others had actually managed to get Keegan angry. To the point where he hid himself in Sam’s closet in frustration and when Theo came to coax him out, the Muggle boy was unable to open the door. Not because it was locked, but because it seemed like the door itself was glued to the frame.

A few other small signs of magic occurred here and there, and for the most part, life continued as normal. He went to school, he began to become more interested in girls, he hung out with his friends, etc. It was also at that time that Keegan started to become the Keegan that walks CCI today. He started getting in trouble in class and with the school, he started getting in trouble outside of school thanks to his friends, he began a period of disobedience with his parents, and boy did he learn how to swear.

Trouble aside, it wasn’t really any surprise when his parents were approached about getting Keegan to a Wizarding school. Part of him was thrilled and excited to go, part of him was rather depressed by it. Going to a magic school meant he had to be away from his Muggle friends and school life was going to change completely. Still, he didn’t argue. Elsie and Cutler gave Keegan the same choice they gave his brother before him: Salem Institute or Crescent City Institute.

It took Keegan nearly a week to decide which school. Being at Salem would allow him the opportunity to remain closer with his friends, but he also wanted to get the chance to see something outside of New England. Marnie, at that point, offered to get her fireplace connected to the Floo Network so that he had the ability to come home on weekends when he wanted. That offer made up Keegan’s mind, and to CCI it was.

It didn’t take long for him to adjust to his new surroundings and to the school. He managed to fit in rather nicely among the other 6th graders in the Lower Institute, and wasted little time in making friends. Keegan quickly discovered which classes he liked and didn’t, learned about the school itself, learned of the area, and was almost in awe of the differences between New Orleans and Ipswich.

Again, time went by as normal. The birthday that followed his start at the new school, his parents gifted him with a guitar. He’d shown a lot of musical inclination throughout his childhood and had begged and pleaded with his parents to get him a guitar for a number of holidays. That year he finally received one, and he took it back to school like it was his most prized possession. Keegan spent a lot of spare time learning how to play the instrument and, like his parents had guessed, picked up on it quite quickly.

All seemed well for a while. He hung out with friends, both in school and out of it, began flirting with his female classmates, started getting into bouts of trouble both at CCI and at home, and somehow managed to keep himself at a high C average in his classes.

In March of his 8th year, however, tragedy struck. Douglas Hendee, a friend of his and friend to many others, had finally gotten on his nerves. They had a simple disagreement and, like most kids, argued about it, only it quickly went from an argument to a downright fight. Keegan naturally fought back until Douglas got on his last nerve, then lashed out at him rather badly. Unbeknownst to Keegan and Douglas’ other friends, he was a depressive. His mother suffered from chronic depression and Douglas had potential to follow the same path. All he needed was a trigger. Keegan’s anger had been that trigger and two days after their fight Douglas leapt from the roof of the Lower Institute.

Keegan was a wreck when the news of the suicide spread across campus like wildfire. No one had really seen it coming, not even him. He was confused, he was angry with himself, he was horrified, and he felt the blame for the act. Many students who were friends with Douglas were required to speak to the school counselor, and Keegan was assured that Douglas had a history of depression and that his argument with the boy simply didn’t help the matter. The only other person he ever spoke of it to was Marnie, who had become his confidant through the course of his life. Time has helped to heal that guilt, but some of it still lingers. He is rather wary of people who seem depressed, and every year on the anniversary of Douglas’ death, Keegan visits his grave.

The summer that followed had been a decent one. Keegan and his muggle friends banded together yet again and formed a band. Not that they ever expected to make it big; they just wanted to play together. The band, named in honor of Theo’s rather geeky nature, became Roswell’s Spell. That summer was spent playing with the boys, getting to know the Ipswich police department rather well, and Sam had managed to break Keegan into the bad habit of smoking cigarettes.

When his 9th year came around, it was to no surprise that he was sorted into Rienzi. His parents and brother both attended CCI ahead of him, and both males had been a member of that house as well. He joined the Dueling Club that year, managed to get his grade average up enough at his mother’s pressuring, and landed a place on Rienzi’s Quodpot team as a reserve.

Keegan had small flings and a few girlfriends here and there. He spent the summers with his friends and the band, as well as picking up a small job at a garage that Sam’s father owned for some extra cash. He smoked, he drank, he went to parties, he continued to be a bit of a troublemaker at school. Keegan managed to keep his grades at a good enough level to be able to continue playing Quodpot, becoming the team’s running back at his 10th year. On his 16th birthday, Keegan was gifted with a car though that stays at his aunt’s house in Marblehead while he is at school.

Life has been fairly average since. Well, as average as Keegan got.

[01] Keegan was voted the 11th Grade Representative for the Student Council in the 2010-2011 school year.
[02] Keegan was voted Homecoming King for the 2010-2011 school year, with his girlfriend Rowan as his Queen.
[03] The faculty organized search parties for of-age students to hunt down creatures terrorizing campus. Keegan, Ciaran, and Grant Baer located one of the Deathmantles.
original code by butterflybox
Player: JESSI
Song: --

Rowan Cabot [[info]cabotine] Sonnier, 12

Rowan and Keegan began dating in June of their sophomore year, though they met once before when they were much younger. The two have a lot in common, and yet are extremely different in other ways. Still, he cares a lot for her, and she's become the moon to his sun.
Michiko Passos [[info]gimmeskittkes] Rienzi, 12

Keegan & Michi dated from October to May of their freshman year. Their breakup was amicable and Michi has become Keegan's best friend as well as partner in crime. He's also the godfather to Michi's son, Isamu.
Gregoire LeClair [[info]gregoire] Lalaurie, 12

These two, perhaps, are a dangerous combination. Gray is one of Keegan's better friends, as well as his primary party buddy and bro. Seriously.
Simon Burford [[info]sim] Lalaurie, 12

These two have a pretty amicable relationship. They share a keen interest in sports (the more EXTREME the better) and are often out making asses out of themselves and colliding into school property.
Marianne Parker [[info]londonloves] Rienzi, 12

To him, Mari is cool people. He enjoys when he gets the chance to hang out with her, and would easily consider her one of his partners in crime if there's a good prank to be done.
Hunter Sommer [[info]itsnotjessica] Rienzi, 13

Hunter is almost like a big sister to Keegan. A year older, a party buddy, awesome, and one hell of a Quodpot player. He knows she's got his back if he needs it, and he's always got hers.
Shelby Ginnish [[info]drummerboy] Rienzi, 12

Shelby is Keegan's roommate. The two get along pretty well and make for a pretty good dorm team, despite Shelby's Britney Spears addiction.
Charlie Oliver [[info]walktheline] Rienzi, 13

Charlie is a pretty cool guy. They both like cars, pot, parties, booze, and cars. This makes for good friends and testosterone filled discussions.
Apple Evans [[info]meandmyuke] Rienzi, 11

It's a wonder Keegan wasn't the one to corrupt this kid. Apple is a chill guy that Keegan enjoys relaxing with. Along with some green and a jam session.
Vinnie Ciccarelli [[info]che_bel_viso] Beauregard, 12

Vinnie is pretty cool in Keegan's eyes. The two often hang out, chill, talk guy stuff, and probably have their own "hot chick" rating system. Besides, Vinnie's accent amuses him greatly.
Meka Palakiko [[info]learntofly] Sonnier, 11

Smoking buddies and decent friends. Despite the fact she's younger, Meka often shows a great deal more maturity than Keegan and has become rather like a mother hen. She's the only one who can whip out his full name and get away with it.
Colby Ayers [[info]mylollipop] Rienzi, 11

Colby is a pretty cool girl in Keegan's eyes, as almost any girl that could keep up with the boys could be. Plus? She skateboards. Bonus points!
Sam Ruiz [[info]samtheman] Beauregard, 11

Sam is a rather good friend and fellow musician, and tolerates his somewhat annoying drinking habits. Keegan jumped on board when Sam mentioned the idea of trying to start a band.
Émilie Devlin [[info]babalon] Lalaurie, 13

Keegan hates Emilie. He doesn't agree with her bitchy and bullying ways; he could care less about her appearance and religion. He's earned a bit of a vendetta against him from ruining her fun on at least one occasion.
Ginger McAvery [[info]mylollipop] Lalaurie, 12

Ginger and Keegan dated briefly, and while there were parts of their relationship that was good, eventually the bad parts took over. Tired of her being catty and beinf affected by Amber's nasty nature, Keegan was ready to break up with her when Ginger broke it off. It hasn't been particularly amicable between them since.


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