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glowsitemayor ([info]glowsitemayor) wrote,
@ 2011-03-24 01:01:00

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Test Results
Why not make this a community project?

As you explore and tag on Scribbld, post here with any points in or against the site's favor that you've discovered.

- 50 icons, free
- No invite codes
- Accounts are free
- Site scheme is easy on the eyes

- LJ Login is not compatible with Scribbld! LI IS OUR SAVIOR! The version of LJ Login in that link is compatible with scribbld!
- Default font is small
- Seems unreliable in terms of paid accounts/support/etc.
- Cluttered sidebar

- 'Approve members' link in the email doesn't work; you must go through Settings, Manage Communities, and then click on the '# members pending' button
- Most 'complex' actions (like managing tags, creating a community, etc) has to be done in a round-about way -- usually through the settings button

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2011-03-24 03:03 am UTC (link)
seems unreliable in terms of paid accounts/support/etc.

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2011-03-24 03:04 am UTC (link)
Also a cluttered sidebar-- it's hard to find what I actually want because there's so much *crap* over there and it's not well organized. Minor nitpick, I know, but when combined with the lack of easy update bar it's like AUGH.

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2011-03-25 05:55 pm UTC (link)
LJ Login should be compatible with Scribbld...! I see the option to turn on Scribbld when I go into LJ Login's settings. Does it not work or something?

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2011-03-25 06:02 pm UTC (link)
It errors out, yeah.

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2011-03-25 06:09 pm UTC (link)
Bummer! But we might be able to hack that, if Scribbld is otherwise okay-- Li found this, which looks like the problem. So it's in the works for the next version of LJ Login, which isn't out yet, but in the meantime it seems like a simple find-replace in the code. Li is actually poking at it now, because she is a ninja.

/picks a random unnamed icon for this comment since there's no browse

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2011-03-25 06:10 pm UTC (link)
Hell yes it was a fitting icon.

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2011-03-25 09:26 pm UTC (link)
Is it just me, or does the site take an annoyingly long time to load most of the time?

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2011-03-28 01:17 am UTC (link)
It's been happening to me too. But that might be because of my crappy Internet? IDK

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2011-03-28 01:24 am UTC (link)
It's like it goes to 80%....an then hangs there for 5-10 seconds.

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