It's now Thursday September 23rd at Eligere. Once again, class schedules can be found here
Today's weather: Average temp of 60 with a high of 66. No precipitation. Wind speed of 1 mph (West).
Sunrise: 8:02am MDT Sunset: 8:12pm MDT
Have a bit of IC gossip or an idea for other events, etc that you'd like to see mentioned in a future day change? Drop us an email and we'll work it in!
Today's weather: Average temp of 60 with a high of 66. No precipitation. Wind speed of 1 mph (West).
Sunrise: 8:02am MDT Sunset: 8:12pm MDT
Have a bit of IC gossip or an idea for other events, etc that you'd like to see mentioned in a future day change? Drop us an email and we'll work it in!
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