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Name: Jill.
AIM: jimmiboii.
Polyvore: http://jimmiboii.polyvore.com/
Timezone: AST.
Full Name: Shelby Andrew Ginnish.
Nickname(s): Freckles.
Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Age and birthday: October 10th, 1993, Age 17.
House and Year: Rienzi, Grade 12 (Senior).
Electives: Flying, Cultural Magic, Muggle Studies
Schedule: View HERE.
Wand: 10 3/4 inches, swishy, Cocobolo with Billywig stinger core.
Boggart: An earthquake. For reason's unknown, Shelby is terrified of earthquakes, however he has never in the past experienced such an event and has never even resided in an area where they occur. His boggart would include things such as; the ground shaking, large noises, the floors cracking below his feet, objects falling and windows breaking, among other things.
Patronus: Shelby has not yet learned the Patronus spell however when he does it'll likely be a salmon. The salmon as a Native Animal Zodiac symbolizes those who are electric, creative, confident, and enthusiastic, all of which are characteristics that define Shelby's dynamic personality. The salmon also symbolizes one with an infectionous personality, who has no trouble motivating others, which is the very quality that makes Shelby such a great mascot.
Animagus Form: N/a
Religious Affiliation: Shelby's mother was raised Baptist, but hasn't really associated with the church much since she was old enough to make her own choice. Shelby's father's family were also never particularly religious, due to the history of animosity between the Native Peoples and the Catholic Church in North America. Because of their own views, Shelby's parents never really felt it necessary (or important) to push religion on their children. Other than for a few weddings, Shelby has never even stepped foot inside a church. Around thirteen however, on a trip to New Brunswick with his family he did develop a slight interest in native culture, including some of his ancestor's religious practices.
Extracurricular activities: School Band [Drums/Percussion], Muggle Sports, Gaming Club, Rienzi Mascot and Wizard Chess Club.
Parents:Oliver Ginnish[father] and Angela Nolan[mother].
Siblings: Shelby only has one sibling; a younger sister named Reilly who attends muggle primary and as of yet, hasn't shown any magical ability.
Extended Family: Shelby isn't particularly close to much of his mothers side since she moved to Canada soon after she herself graduated from CCI. Shelby usually only sees his grandmother(witch) once or twice a year, and his aunt(witch) and uncle(squib) about the same. His maternal grandfather(muggle) passed away in 2007. As for his father's side, which consists entirely of muggles, Shelby has never gotten to spend much time with them either, only having visited his paternal grandparents and uncle a number of times throughout his life. Oliver's family knows nothing about Shelby or his mother being a wizard or witch, respectively and thinks he attends a private boarding school in New Orleans for children who are musically gifted.
Familiar: An adorable teddybear hamster named Sonic. You can view Sonic's awesome home here.
Sexuality: Straight.
Significant Others:Currently Single. He had a steady girlfriend for much of freshman year but has been single ever since. He wouldn't mind having a girlfriend but at the same time he's really enjoying his freedom.
PB:Naleye Junior.
Detailed Description:
Shelby is quite tall, a trait he gets from both his mother and father. As of right now he is nearly 5'11", but with another good two or three years of growing left in front of him, he is likely to gain a few additional inches. He wasn't always tall for his age, in Lower Institute he was among the shortest boys in his grade but in the summer before freshman year, he experienced an enormous growth spurt. Shelby is quite the expressive little dresser, he loves bright colors, and isn't afraid to wear pinks and purples. He doesn't always match the best and can be a little over the top, but that is just part of what adds to his unique style. His clothing is often reflective of his interests; frequently wearing skateboard and basketball gear, as well clothing featuring his favorite comic book superheroes. He has a large collection of hats and sneakers, which he wears to death.
Shelby's hair is a fairly dark shade of brown and his eyes are of similar color. He is dark-complexioned due to his Mi'kmaq and African ancestry on his father's side. His mother is white and it is from her that he gets his freckles and beautiful big smile. As a child, Angela had the same freckles that now blanket Shelby's nose and cheeks, but lost them as she grew with age. Shelby hopes that he doesn't suffer a similar fate; as he finds his freckles quite useful with the ladies. Like his personality and sense of style Shelby's hair can also be rather wild. He rarely brushes it and refused to wash it more than three times weekly. The tips of his flippy brown locks just meet his shoulders as he has been growing it out for nearly three years now. In humid or rainy weather, Shelby's hair tends to curl up more than usual, but without frizzing. Shelby has no piercings or tattoos at this time, but hopes to get a tattoo sometime in the near future. Even if its just a magic one until he turns 18.
Likes:Drumming, Baseball hats, Girls, Bright colors, Making people laugh, Cheeseburgers, Smoking weed, Sneakers, Basketball, Ice cream sandwiches, Cuddling, Parties, Skinny-dipping, House Pride, Funny Faces, The Lakers, Cold showers, Classified, The Clash, Animals, Vegetables, Comic Books, Mi'kmaq traditions, Cartoons, Superheroes, Snowboarding, Money, Skateboarding, Summer, Hoodies, Wizard chess, Rancid, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Horror movies, Punk, Rap and Hiphop.
Dislikes: Reading, Waking up early, Donuts, Rainy days; Especially when his sneakers get wet, needles and having to count carbs (but he's learned to live with it), Studying, Cold weather, Long Drives, Small children (except his sister ♥), Country music, Cooking for himself, Pollution, Hockey and the Disney Channel. He normally hates pop music, but one particular pop
~ Shelby loves Britney Spears and has since he was six. Her music can often be heard blasting from his room at very inappropriate times. He has likely been spoken to about this several times, but still continues to do it.
~ Shelby showers daily but refuses to wash his hair more than three times a week.
~ He's a Type I Diabetic and raises money for and participates in the Canadian Diabetes Association Walk every summer.
~ Shelby loves his beauty sleep, he hates mornings, and often has a hard time making it to early classes.
~ He is a terrible dancer but isn't afraid to try, even if he makes a fool of himself.
~ Shelby got his first drum set when he was just 2 years old, but his parents quickly regretted it as he most just made a lot of noise.
~ Shelby is a really big fan of junk food, but he also eats a lot of vegetables. Mostly because he can eat as much as he wants without really effecting his blood sugars.
~ Shelby might be a proud Canadian but he HATES hockey!
~ Shelby likes to hide the costumes of other house mascots and play tricks on the other teams, but you didn't hear that from me.
~ Shelby stole his parents credit card to purchase a Borat bathing suit online and secretly likes to wear it under his mascot costume. The only person who knows this secret is Hunter Sommer. She accidentally saw him changing for a game once and roared her ass off but promised to keep his secret.
~ When he was little he used to participate in beauty pageants for boys. He won several trophies and a bit of money before wanting to quit the pageants; he spent his winnings on toys and video games, which was the only reason he agreed to do them in the first place.
~ Shelby is a romantic at heart, and loves watching sappy romantic comedies, but he isn't likely to admit this to anyone.
~He gets scared watching Urban Legends, especially when he's high and paranoid.
~He's a bit of a momma's boy and she calls him or vice-versa almost daily. His roommate has probably heard him talking to her but that's about it.
What's in your characters pockets?: You'd normally find his PSP, a bit of cash, a small bag of weed, a cigarette or two, a lighter and his sugar tester. Additionally, what's in his backpack.
Strengths: Friendly, Well-liked, Caring, Energetic (When he feels like it), Enthusiastic, Drumming, Skateboarding, Flying, Listening, Good kisser, Generous, Athletic, Good at muggle sports. He's also very good at Quodpot, but much prefers just being the mascot.
Weaknesses:Weed, Girls, Doesn't have the best manners, Not the best student, Immature, can be hyper but is also lazy, Fickle, Can't focus easily, Gets cranky when his blood sugars are high, and doesn't always tell the truth.
Strongest subject in school: Music and Care of Magical Creatures. He isn't much of a reader and has a hard time focusing in courses that require a lot of memorization; he is much more of a hands on learner.
Weakest subject in school: History of Magic.
One thing he/she can't live without: His drum set.
Detailed personality:
Shelby is basically an all-around goof-ball with an extremely nerdy side at times. He enjoys reading comic books and posts online, but isn't much into reading otherwise. Shelby is a huge fan of video games; he owns an XBox 360, a PSP, a GameCube and a Nintendo Wii. However, his parents only allow him to bring the PSP to CCI so when he's home on breaks he spends most of his time on the other systems. Shelby has a bad habit of getting caught up in games and forgetting to eat or check his blood sugars, which makes his mother worry nearly constantly.
Shelby can be very lazy if left to his own devices, but is easily motivated, and in turn likes to motivate others. He's always up for trying something new and is very adventurous. He loves to make plans but has a tendency of blowing people off and not always keeping his promises. He doesn't intentionally try to let people down he just has a difficult time remembering things. His parents have always joked and said he must of had a spell cast on him, making him as forgetful as he is. Shelby will often write notes to himself to keep from forgetting important facts and upcoming events. He often finds it difficult to complete school work on time and is quite easily distracted; especially from activities which he finds boring or uninteresting. He is however able to focus on activities that are of his interest such as video games and the internet. Shelby can be a little over the top at times and is found to be irritating by some. He likes to show off a little and be the the center of attention, especially when there's a camera around. He also loves making funny faces and tends to stick out his tongue a lot.
Shelby likes to smoke weed but tries not to do it too much at school, usually just at parties and once and awhile otherwise. He finds it calms him down, allowing him to actually focus more readily and be less over the top, than he normally is. He doesn't drink, mostly due to the fact that most drinks and mixes are high in sugar, he also doesn't particularly care for the taste of anything he's tried. Shelby likes to party, he finds it helps him burn off extra energy. He doesn't really like to get in trouble, but can be a little bit of a trouble-maker, mostly in good-fun. He likes to play pranks and can sometimes unintentionally take things a little too far, but he doesn't mean any harm. Shelby is friendly and very easy-going for the most part. There isn't really too much that irritates him or makes him angry but at the same time if something is bothering him he isn't afraid to speak up and say something about it.
Personal History-
Shelby was born on July 22nd, 1994 to his extremely proud parents, Angela and Oliver. They had been trying to have a baby for nearly a year, when Angela found out she was pregnant and they couldn't have been happier. Although they were told by doctors that she would likely be unable to have children, due to the several ovarian cysts and a number of surgeries, she not only gave birth to Shelby but several years later they were also blessed with a daughter [Reilly, age 6]. Angela, Shelby's mother, never particularly got along with most of her family, apart from her sister Lizzy whom she is very close with. Immediately after she graduated from CCI, she moved away from everything she knew to attend a muggle university in British Columbia, of all places. While attending the University of British Columbia, Angela met Shelby's father Oliver, who was also a student at the time when the two were paired up for a psychology experiment. Oliver was Canadian-born and is half-black and half-Mik'maq, Native American. He was born in Northern New Brunswick just near the Quebec border where he lived with his family on a reserve until he was 19, at which time he too moved to Vancouver for school.
Oliver and Angela were never married, however they have been happily together since several years prior to Shelby's birth. Magic comes from his mother's side however she rarely uses magic around the house. For that reason, Shelby grew up not much different then most muggle kids. He was always a pretty
Shelby was diagnosed as a Type I Diabetic at the age of four and wears an insulin pump to maintain his blood sugars. Apart from the pump, which requires a site change every four days or so, he also has to prick his finger numerous times daily to monitor his blood sugars. He must be conscious of his sugar intake, which can be particularly difficult for sixteen year old with the munchies. Those who aren't close to him are often unaware of his condition as his pump is small and hidden easily under his clothing. He has been quite lucky, and has had few complications, usually being able to keep his sugars relatively under control. When he was originally diagnosed he ended up in the hospital for about a month, because his readings were so out of whack but once the hospital got a handle on things and trained his parents to administer his insulin he was sent home. He
Growing up he always spent a lot of time with his mother, since she was usually home with him. She was a stay-at-home mom for most of his childhood, as it was difficult to find a babysitter who was properly trained to take care of him. After his father completed his degree in Child Psychology he later went on to work as a Youth Councilor, mainly working with homeless youth with severe drug problems. Because he spent so much time with his mother growing up, he became a little bit of a momma's boy and likewise she is very protective of him. She was a little worried about letting him travel all the way to New Orleans for school, but he was so excited to go when he got his acceptance letter that she just couldn't say no. Even though he's been attending CCI for years now she still worries about him nearly constantly. She knows in her heart that he understands the importance of taking care of sugars and eating healthy, but the way he acts sometimes often makes her question his maturity.
Shelby's time at CCI thus far has been fun to say the least. He still remembers the first day he entered Lower Institute, and how excited he was to make new friends and learn some magic, since he had never really been exposed to it too much before he was accepted. Upon entering Upper Institute, the thrill of attending a magic school had kind of worn off but he was still excited to see which house he would be placed in. His mother during her time at CCI was in Beauregard and wished the same for her son. However when Shelby found himself placed in Rienzi, it really didn't come as much of a surprise to anyone and he has been fitting in there just fine ever since.
He doesn't always focus on his school work as well as he should but he is always ready for a good time. He gets by in most of his classes, but the only classes were he really puts in much effort at all is music class and Care of Magical Creatures. He has even been accepted in to the advanced class this year for the latter and his parents, especially his mom, couldn't have been prouder that he was actually applying himself to something school related. Shelby is excited for this upcoming school year as he was finally old enough to take a free and quickly filled it into first period. He didn't see any point in forcing himself into a lecture that early if he didn't have to; choosing sleep over class, just seemed like the better alternative. In his freshman year Shelby was chosen as a reserve on the Rienzi quodpot team due to his natural athletic ability. He was told he showed great potential for someone his age, but decided about half way through his first season that being the team mascot would just be a whole lot more fun. He quickly turned in his broom and quodpot gear for the scorpion get-up and hasn't looked back since.
Shelby, much like his mother, isn't really interested in pursuing a magical career per-se but he does have big dreams for the future. Since he was a small child he has wanted to be either a pro-skateboarder or a professional drummer in a successful punk band and he is still hanging on to both of those dreams. He just wants to be in the spotlight, whether it is for muggle or magical audiences. He can't really imagine himself with a serious career but with a few years of high school still in front of him who knows what the future has in store.
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