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damage2zipper ([info]damage2zipper) wrote,
@ 2013-03-10 22:19:00

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More Details About The Nikon Coolpix L24 Digital Camera
Before you buy a Nikon Coolpix L24 or any digital camera, it makes sense to do your research and consider what you really need. You do not need to spend over $500 for a decent camera and if you think that you do then you are a bit behind the times as technology has improved loads the last few years. Let's look at whether the Nikon Coolpix L24 is a digital camera to put at the top of your list when making your choice.

Because Nikon is well known and one of the most trusted companies for photography, the Coolpix L24 Digital Camera is a very good choice. Nikon has been producing high quality cameras for almost 100 years, and it is based in Japan. Nikon, even today, are producing digital cameras and accessories with cutting edge technology. Because Nikon is a leading brand it stands behind its products even if they are not as outstanding as their other cameras. If you register online with Nikon after purchasing a camera then you can have access to all their support and ask them questions.

A Basic Accessory Kit is included with the Nikon Coolpix L24 and includes a handy strap, USB Cable for connecting to your PC, a CD with the software you need to install on your PC, and two AA alkaline batteries. Moreover, there is also a Deluxe Kit of accessories for the Nikon Coolpix L24 that gives you even more user-friendly accessories. For instance, the Deluxe kit includes a battery charger and two EN-MH2-B2 high-capacity NIMH rechargeable batteries. This saves you the trouble and expense of having to constantly replace your AA batteries. If you will be making a lot of videos or taking a lot of reduced-light photographs, you will really get a lot of use out of the stable 50-inch tripod that comes in the Deluxe Accessory Kit. You'll really appreciate the sturdy carrying case that comes in the Deluxe Kit. This is a "must have" to protect your camera during inclement weather, sandy beaches, or in the event that it gets dropped.

A very common complaint about the Nikon Coolpix L24 Digital Camera is that the compartment door for the battery is really fragile and breaks easily. In terms of annoying problems, this is one of the bigger ones that you may or may not have to deal with. Many customers have had this problem, where if they dropped the camera, or simply from opening and closing the battery compartment door to change batteries, it breaks off. If you encounter this, take the camera back or keep the door closed with tape.

So often, especially with easily afforded technology, the big features work really well but the smaller features we take for granted fail. So if you get this camera, you have to be extra careful when opening and closing the battery compartment door. Our treatment of Information about Security and Surveillance Cameras in this article is not as comprehensive as it can be, but that is only because it is such as wide area of knowledge. Rather than interject our own personal opinion on these matters, it is best to let you be the judge. That is really in your best interest only because you know your situation better than anybody else. There is no doubt that you need to view this from as many sides as you can. We know that is very helpful to do even though all of us are very busy and maybe do not have the time. So just find what ever spare time you have, and be sure you pay attention to the most important issues. At least until your knowledge is broader, try to determine what directly applies to you if possible.

Overall, the Nikon Coolpix L24 Digital Camera is a really great digital camera for it's price. While it does have a couple of little flaws, it still gives you lots of great opportunities like filming videos, lots of different types of scene modes and the Smart Portrait System. Higher end cameras will, obviously, cost more money but if you want a versatile point and shoot for around a hundred bucks, it is hard to do better than the Nikon Coolpix L24.


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