Character BasicsFULL NAME: Simon Lucas Bailey
AGE: 17
BIRTHDATE: November 30, 1991.
YEAR: 12th Grade.
GRADE POINT AVERAGE: He's not a perfect student, but he's not a poor student, either. Mostly B's with a few A's sprinkled in there. A solid 3.2 average on a 4.0 scale.
CLASSES ENROLLED IN: Literature & Writing (1), Magical Games & Sports (2)
ACTIVITIES: Quodpot. (Starter)
BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood.
POLITICAL VIEWS: Somewhere in the middle between a purist and a "muggle lover." Simon doesn't exactly think people of different bloodlines are worthless, but he's very respectful of his parents' teachings.
MOTHER: Mother.
FATHER: Father.
SIBLINGS: Siblings.
AMP Status: Yes.
AppearanceAPPEARANCE: Simon is tall, standing at about 6'2" with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. He has a trim but athletic build and tends to dress relatively nicely, though he will occasionally be found in a t-shirt and jeans or a pair of sweats when he is relaxing around his suite.
PREFERRED PB: Garrett Hedlund
PersonalityLIKES: Astronomy, Potions, Music, Dancing, Literature.
DISLIKES: Things they dislike.
STRENGTHS: Personality-wise and misc. (such as cooking).
WEAKNESSES: Personality-wise and misc. (such as cooking).
DETAILED PERSONALITY: Simon Bailey is one of the good guys. It sounds completely trite, but he is a complete gentleman. Simon is the kind of young man who opens doors for the young women in his life, always stands as a lady comes to the table, drapes his own cloak around a girl's shoulders to warm him, even if it means he will freeze. Good almost seems like an understatement for what he is, honestly.
A devout Christian, Simon is one to always follow the rules. He doesn't drink. He doesn't stay out after curfew. He doesn't believe in extramarital sex. He may not be in love with the young woman he has been assigned to marry, but he is faithful to her. He is kind and compassionate.
Simon is also driven and determined. He knows what he wants to do with his future and how to accomplish it. He is equally determined to have a good marriage, a better one than his parents seem to have, and he is willing to work hard to accomplish that goal. It doesn't hurt that he's a bit of a people pleaser. Simon wants the people in his life to be happy and will do almost anything to accomplish that.
All this doesn't mean that Simon isn't capable of having fun, of course. He likes many of the same things other boys his age like - video games, movies, music. He enjoys dancing. He has a good sense of humor even if his jokes are all G rated. All in all, he's a pretty fun guy to be around.
HistoryCHILDHOOD: Simon was, to put it nicely, a surprise.
[father] and [mother] met at the young age of sixteen. At the time, they were both utterly convinced that it was love at first sight, and they rushed headlong into a whirlwind relationship. A year later, [mother] found out that she was pregnant. The couple had already broken up when this news came out, but their parents urged them to get married. Both [father] and [mother] are very religious people. They haven’t been “in love” since they were kids, but they refuse to end their marriage.
Most of the time, [father] and [mother] put on a good show. They appear to be a loving, happy couple. In private, though, it is not uncommon for them to snap at one another. Though his parents have trouble getting along with one another, Simon has never lacked for attention or affection; both of his parents love him very much.
While it's not common amongst pureblood wizards, Simon's family is extremely religious. Simon has grown up attending church and his Christian beliefs are very important to him. Some people might say he is a bit of a prude for the stubbornness to which he holds to his Christian values.
AT ELIGERE. Going to Eligere was an easy decision for Simon and his family. It's one of the best schools out there and the arranged marriage program was something his parents quickly embraced. They chose a girl from an equally good family (if not a better one from all outward appearances) who they felt would be a good match for their son. It might seem like an old fashioned practice to some, but Simon doesn't see an issue with an arranged marriage.
He became active in sports upon his acceptance to Eligere, trying out for the Quodpot team in his first year and making the reserves. The following year, he earned a starting position, one he resumed last year and hopes to continue with during his last year at the academy. Simon has even settled in and grown more used to sharing a suite with his betrothed. It was something that made him nervous at first, but them each having their own bedroom certainly makes things a little easier. Sharing a bed really isn't an option for him - Simon is determined to wait until they are married for such things.
Master Crystal
TIMEZONE: US/ Eastern [GMT-5]
BLURB: To say that Simon is a good guy would be a bit of an understatement. There are those who would tell you he's a complete prude. Simon will tell you be just has strong values and he's not going to betray them
even if his fiancée is really hot and wears kind of skimpy pajamas. Either way, it's hard to argue that Simon isn't both intelligent and a nice guy. He can even be quite a bit of fun, if you overlook the fact that he doesn't drink or otherwise break the rules.