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<b><u>OOC:</b></u>*(On the Second or more Applications, only the name is needed) <b>[Name:]</b> <b>[Age:]</b> <b>[Timezone:]</b> <b>[Email:]</b> <b>[AIM, YIM, MSN, etc.:]</b> <b><u>IC:</b></u> <u>The Basics</u> <b>[Name:]</b> <b>[Journal username:]</b> <b>[Age:]</b> <b>[Are they a Fairy Tale Character:]</b> <b>[Story the character is from (if a fairy tale character):]</b> You may provide a link to the story or resources you're taking from, please write out any differences/changes you'd like to make from the original story here. <b>[Their One Supreme Talent:]</b> <b>[Are they good, or are they bad, or just undecided:]</b> <b>[Where do they live:]</b> <u>Appearance</u> <b>[PB:]</b> <b>[Description:]</b> (Please include a brief description of any differences your character has from the chosen PB.) <b>[Attire:]</b> (Please include a brief description of the typical attire for your character.) <u>Personality</u> <b>[Strengths:]</b> <b>[Weaknesses:]</b> (Strengths and weaknesses should balance each other as much as possible) <b>[Quirks:]</b> <b>[Secrets:]</b> <b>[Detailed Personality:]</b> (Please provide at least two solid paragraphs that detail your character's personality. What makes them tick.) <u>History</u> (Give us a biography, any little things not written about in their fairy tale (if they're a fairy tale character), a brief history of your character.) <b><u>RP Samples</b></u>* (on the second or more apps, these samples are not needed) <b>[RP Sample:]</b> <small>(3rd person. It would be best if you wrote something that could be used as your first post.)</small> <u><b>Etc</b></u> <b>[How Did you find us?]</b>
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