[Sep. 7th, 2011|11:27 pm] |
OOC Information Player name: Jill Player age: 23 Time zone: AST
Character Information Basics: Full name: Seraphim Madeline Donnelly-Rousseau Nick names: Sera, Queen of the Nerds Hometown: Portage Lake, Maine, USA. Age and birthday: January 2nd, 1995, Age 16. House and year: Junior in Quirank. Boggart: Getting thrown out of school by the headmaster. Riddikulus: Seeing Hunter get dragged out of the school, preferrably by one ear. Patronus and why: Sera is yet to learn the patronus spell though it will likely be a gorilla, as it embodies such things as intelligence, dignity and responsibility which are all important aspects of Sera's personality. The gorilla also symbolizes a sense of nobility, which Sera has a great deal of.
School Information: Wand: 8 1/2 inches, Sturdy, Blue Spruce, with Jobberknoll Feather core. Electives: Languages II, Environmental Magic, Literature I, Arithmancy and Magical Botany. Extracirriculars: Cheerleading, Debate Team, Outdoor Club, Book Club, Pride Club, Honor Society, Quirank Prefect and Student Government. Strongest subject: Literature and History of Magic. Weakest subject: Care of Magical Creatures. Animagus form, if applicable N/A
Family and Relationships Parents: Mick Donnelly [father] & Madeline Donnelly-Rousseau [mother]. Siblings: Tatum and Rath Donnelly [Twins] Extended Family: Maternal grandparents, Eloise & Henri Rousseau, witch and wizard respectively. Paternal grandparents [deceased], paternal uncle + muggle cousins, but Sera's immediate family isn't particular close with them. Familiar: Two identical glass frogs, whom are named after her favorite TV couple, Bette and Tina. Sexuality: Bisexual Straight. She was dating Jennifer Parry until recently but broke things off after her sister Tatum was kicked out of their house for being gay. Sera's extremely torn right now, she loves Jenny and when she told her forever she meant it she just loves her parents too.
Appearance: PB: Becky Lou Filip

Physical Description: Sera has dark brown hair, just like her mother but it can also have a bit of a redish tinge when the sun hits it a certain way. Her hair hangs long and soft to just around the middle of her back, with a few long layers just to add volume. It`s not curly by any means but its not straight either, its just a little bit wavy. Sera's hair is also layered in the front, with pieces just short enough to frame her face when her hair is parted in the middle. She will very often part her hair just to the side, creating a side bang or wears it up in messy buns or ponytails, especially when she's cheering or working out.
Her skin is naturally pale, although not to the same extent as her sister, and during the summer months she is usually able to get a pretty good tan. Her skin-tone compliments her hair nicely and is smooth to the touch, rarely getting any blemishes. She has pale freckles on her face that tend to darken as she tans. She also has a few small freckles on her arms and shoulders. Sera has high cheekbones and a very angular jawline and chin. Her eyes are bright blueish-green and her lower lip is slightly plump, whereas her upper is quite thin. She is a natural beauty and although she doesn't usually tend to wear a lot of makeup, she will occasionally wear mascara and a natural blush to excentuate her eyes and cheekbones. For formal events, such as dances, or academic ceremonies is tends to do herself up a little more than she normally does. She can sometimes look a little tired, like she's maybe overworking herself but this isn't enough to make her slow down or take it easy.
Despite their age difference, Sera is taller than her sister Tatum, by just about 3 inches, at 5'8'' getting her height from her mother, who was always quite tall. Her physique is slender, but not too thin; she is the type of person who can look totally athletic without really trying. Even if she's not really much into exercising she tries to live a fairly healthy lifestyle. She does what she has to do for cheerleading and tries to get out for hikes and bike rides in the mountains whenever she has time in her busy schedule.
Sera is quite a logical person and doesn't care much about things such as hair and fashion, in the same superficial sense that most girls her age do. But that's not to say she doesn't care about what she wears, she likes to make a good impression and she knows that whether right or wrong what a person wears depends a lot on that. She knows when it's important to dress a certain why and has no problem dressing up for anything from a school dance to a formal dinner with members from the League of American Wizards. When around school from day to day or style is more relaxed. She tends to wear a lot of skirts and sweaters, but has no problem kicking it in a pair of jean shorts and a hoodie either. She doesn't tend to wear sneakers alot usually choosing flats or heels, but when she does it has to be low-top converse. Sera doesn't really like to break the rules if she can help it now a days and tends to keep her outfits school appropriate. She'd be completely embarassed if she got in trouble for something like dressing too sexy or something, even if she used to get sent back to her dorm to change into something more appropriate all the time freshman year. She keeps her uniform clean and simple, with very few accessories. She sees herself as a bit of a leader and likes to set a good example of a model student to the rest of the school. She has her ears pierced, but has no other piercings or tattoos.
Personality: Likes: Politics, reading, cheerleading, being top of the class, Hilary Clinton, music, magical biology, nature, mathematics, Starbucks coffee, feminism, rules and structure, lists and being organized, studying, knowledge, research, going to the library, charms, older girls, traveling, General Hospital, campfires, extracirriculars, the L Word, snuggling, France, lake swimming, picnics, bird watching, Ani Difranco, Lilith Fair, Glee, cute kisses, guys that wear glasses, languages, money.
Dislikes: Getting into Trouble, shenanigans, failing, rule breakers (although she knows she isn't perfect all the time either), hurting Jenny, peas, bigots, Mack and Hunter's dares, drugs, stormy weather, Twilight and it's entire fanbase, dungeons, class clowns, stinky feet, warm soda, and scary movies.
Quirks: ~ She's always been a really picky eater but at the same time she likes a lot of really strange foods.
~Sera is a proud Apple user, and she stands by it, from her MacBook to her iTunes.
~ She's scared of lightning.
~ Has a near perfect photographic memory, which comes in quite useful during exams.
~ She loves to research everything and anything and is always working on perfecting new charms and spells as much as possible, 'cause you never know when it could just come in useful
~Although Sera is a very serious girl, she loves to listen to hip-hop/rap and dance music.
~ The only reason she sometimes wears pants with her uniform is just because she's a girl doesn't mean she has to wear a skirt, no other reason. She actually loves wearing them.
~ Sera will still smoke cigarettes from time to time just if she feels like it or if Mack and Hunter manage to get her drinking at a party. The wild child is still kind of buried in there somewhere she just usually keeps herself too busy with school and extracirrculars to let her out to play.
Secrets: ~ She has always been kind of jealous of her brother and sister; they have always had a much closer bond and she never really felt as close to them as they did to one another. She would never admit that to either Tatum or Rath, but even if they still pick on each other, she likes that they all seem to be getting a little closer now that their older. She always wanted a sister who she could talk to about everything but was also always slightly standoffish towards Tatum. She would tend to spend a lot of the time with her mom (or the babysitters usually)when she was little because the twins would run off and exclude her.
~ Her frogs, Bette and Tina are actually clones of one another which is made using the Geminio charm. The first time she tried to perform it she accidentally performed the Geminio curse and her mother had to quickly reverse it before their entire house was crawling with frogs.
~ Jenny is under the impression that Sera never slept with Hunter and that she is Sera's first which is completely not true. She told the older girl that they had dated but that their relationship was absolutely not like that. The only people who would know the truth is anyone who hung around Sera when she was with Hunter (because she definitely didn't deny it then). Especially Mack who's Hunter's roommate and knows really just how much she's actually keeping from Jenny. For this reason Sera tries to be extra nice to Mack as much as she can.
~ Became a cheerleader for the same reason as Bridget McManus.
~ She secretly kind of loves that Mack and Hunter still try and get her to act crazy sometimes, even if she doesn't give in too often she still likes that they get her to have fun and relax once and a while.
~Most people probably remember it anyway but she really doesn't like to talk about her rebellious days (4th/Freshman year) when she would drink, smoke weed and cigarettes, skip class, mess around with hunter, and sneak out all the time after curfew. It was a very long time ago, and she's isn't really proud of how she acted.
~ She had a little bit of a crush on Mack at one point, but never told anybody or acted on it.
~ Sera wants her mother to absolutely never find out that Tatum and Rath were the ones who actually got her high for the very first time, when she was just 14. She had always been a good kid before that summer. She doesn't blame them for how she acted freshman year but she does think their mother will have a different opinion.
~ She has a huge crush on her Language/debate teacher.
~ She hates that she's miserable now and Tatum gets to be happy. She kind of wishes she never tried to get Tatum to come out, as selfish as she knows that is.
Amortentia smells like: Strawberries, wet ink and library books.
Strengths: Studying, research, writing tests, giving speeches, adapting to varying situations, speaking her mind, honest and trustworthy, good at giving relationship advice (or thinks so anyway), over-achiever and very focused.
Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, workaholic, doesn't like to be told she's wrong and especially hates when she actually is wrong, flying, overly analytical, logical to a fault, has trouble relaxing a lot of the time.
Detailed personality: Sera is very intelligent and at times can be a little full of herself. Unlike her sister, Sera is not afraid to speak her mind or stand up for what she believes in. Although she is not afraid to tell you how she feels, she tries to follow the rules as much as possible and really doesn't like getting in trouble. If she's going to do something bad, she has to make sure she absolutely can't get caught, dating Headgirl can definitely help out with this at times. Sometimes she almost feels trapped in keeping up this behavior, but at the same time she truly prides herself on being 'the smart one'; the one all the teachers love to have in their class. Sera gets excellent grades in just about all her classes, but it hasn't always been that way. She spent much of freshman year getting into trouble and skipping classes.
Like Tatum, Sera also does not have the best street smarts despite being much more outgoing and social then her older sister. She's very good at reading people and is rarely naive to people's motives, but at the same time can see the good in just about anyone. Sera is fluent in French, having basically learned it at the same time she learned to speak English. Her mother is very proud of her background and always found it very important to pass it down to Sera. She wished for Sera to attend Beauxbatons as she did but ultimately left the decision up to her daughter.
From the outside, Sera is the type of person who seems to have herself all figured out, she appears confident, and determined. She sets goals for herself and does what ever it takes to reach them. She has difficulty relaxing and taking the time out of her busy study schedule to just relax and take time for herself, although her and Jenny have gotten very good at multi-tasking when it comes to studying and spending time together.
She always wants to appear her very best in the eyes of others and in a way wants people to be envious of her. She is highly aware of her intelligence, and is always willing to show off and flaunt it; which can sometimes turn people off of her, and has resulted in her losing a few friends in the past. She usually doesn't have trouble making friends but often doesn't have as much time as possible to spend with them as she would like. She doesn't get upset or stressed easily and actually tends to work better when she's under a lot of pressure.
Unlike Tatum, Sera can adapt to just about any situation and is very secure in her speech; she always seems like she knows exactly what to say, even if she's faking it. Sera wishes Tatum possessed some of these qualities which she prides herself in and believes are keys to lifelong success and will often nag Tatum to be more outgoing much to Tatum's dismay. For reasons such as this, Sera and her sister don't always get along as good as they could. And the fact that she's always telling Tatum how gay she is diffinitely doesn't doesn help them mich either, she knows, but it's just too easy. Despite everything she certainly loves her sister and when push comes to shove she knows they'd have each others backs. The same can be said about Sera's friends, once she close to someone she has their back no matter what.
She tends to think about things rationally before making any serious decisions in her life. Her ability to do this and her love of politics make her very good at forming arguments and often winning them; which is why she loves the Debate club. She hates being wrong and can be very stubborn, especially when it comes to apologizing or admitting she made a mistake.
Sera sticks by what she believes is right, in both the muggle and wizarding worlds alike. Being a half blood, Sera is very intensely invested in the rights of muggles as well as happenings in the LAW. Her views are quite liberal, despite her background and her families affiliation with the Roman Catholic Church. She believes in equal rights for everyone, is a strong supporter of gay rights and is strongly against the idea of pure-blood supremacy. Sera is somewhat of a feminist; she believes women can do anything men can, and hopes to prove that through her accomplishments. In 2008, although too young to vote, she hoped Hilary Clinton would have won the Democratic Nomination and the Presidency and hopes she runs again in 2012.
She rarely drinks anymore, even if she tries to go to parties and dances whenever she has time. She likes to have fun like anyone else but feels she a lot more mature than most people her age and even a couple people she knows who are older. When she does get into her favorite wine, she can sometimes act a little crazy bring out some of her old behavior
<Personal History Growing up in the same household, Sera had a very similar upbringing to her sister Tatum. They grew up in the state of Maine in the town of Portage Lake, raised by their father Mick and Sera's mother, Madeline. Mick, the son of first generation Irish immigrants was born in American and has resided in Maine his whole life. He is quite proud of his heritage and has always tried to instill the same level of pride in his children. He is a very religious man, who raised the children as Roman Catholics always making sure they attended church each and every week. Their father very much agrees with the church's stance on homosexuality and has expressed his feelings about it many times in front of his children.
Likewise, Sera's mother Madeline is also quite appreciative of her background. She was born in France, attended Beauxbatons and felt it important for Sera to be fluent in both French and English from a very young age. She on the other hand came from a far less strict religious background and holds a much more open view in terms of sexual orientation then her husband.
Sera was born as her mother's first biological child and her fathers third, making her the youngest in their blended family. Her father was previously married to a woman named Claire, who gave birth to both Tatum and her twin brother Rath. Claire passed away soon after their birth from a sudden brain aneurysm. Madeline had been a family friend, who was living in America for work. She helped Mick with the process of losing his wife, and raising the twins. Eventually, the two fell in love, and were married soon after. The couple became the proud parents of Seraphim Madeline Donnelly-Rousseau on January 2nd, 1995.
Sera's parents would often spend long hours working, and were often not around while the kids were growing up. Her father, is a muggle police officer and her mother works in for the League of American Wizards. She works for the Department of International Cooperation, or more specifically with the Magical Office of Law. The three children were often looked after by various babysitters, but thats not to say they all don't have close bonds with their parents. Madeline especially would make sure that she took time out from her busy job to spend time with Sera, causing her to grow up a bit spoiled and perhaps envied alittle bit by the twins. It is also this extra attention that gave her not only the confidence she exhibits today but also her arrogance. With the exception of Freshman Year Sera has always been an excellent student and would be continually praised for her accomplishments.
Sera may have got extra attention from her mother, but she always felt a little distant from her other siblings. Particularly at a young age, Sera felt rather left out of the close bond that Rath and Tatum share. They all got along for the most part, at least no less than any other siblings around the same age, but she never really found herself able to connect with them on the same level as they do to one another. They all seem to be getting a bit closer now that they're older but that doesn't mean they don't tease and pick on each other to death.
For as long as she can remember, Sera had been aware of magic. Madeline is a pure-blood witch, as is the rest of Sera's family on her mother's side, making Sera a half-blood. Despite her marriage to a muggle, Sera's mother never tried to keep magic out of the home and would often use magic in front of her children, so when Sera began to show signs of magic, it was far from strange to her. These signs began at a very young age, which impressed both her mother and her maternal grandparents.
Sera enjoyed and excelled in muggle primary school, and made friends easily during her years there but she was always anxious to become of proper age to attend a non-muggle school. During Sorting Sera was placed firmly in the Quirank House, which really came as no surprise to her or her family.
When she first got to Blue Ridge she cruised through excelling in all her classes without even trying. She found most of the lessons easy and almost boring over time. With this new boredom and loss of eagerness to learn that she had always had Sera started missing classes and sneaking around. At first she was very careful to not get caught, making sure she had a good excuse for her teachers and missed assignments ready to hand in when she showed up next, but after a few months she basically stopped caring all together. She got in with a different crowd, and soon started dating Hunter Sommer after they met in detention. In the beginning they mostly just messed around and had a lot of fun together but it did get kind of serious, even if Hunter likes to deny it.
Sera`s teacher`s didn`t know what was getting into her and were becoming very disappointed in her new behavior. She was probably given the benefit of the doubt more than she should have been but she had never caused any trouble whats so ever in the past and many of them even know her mother as member in the League of American Wizards. The more chances she was given they more she seemed to mess up, until they have no choice but to contact her parents. She was told at that point very clearly by both the school and her parents that she was to get over this little phase of hers and stay out of trouble or she`d be expelled from the school and they`d have no choice but to confinscate her wand. She was reminded that she was placed in Quirank for a reason and she better start acting like it.
Hearing them loud and clear Sera stopped skipping class and even hired a tutor from her house to help her catch up on everything she was now behind it. Her tutor was a sophomore girl named Jennifer Parry. She knew she`d acted stupid and that she`d have to work her ass off (maybe even over the summer) if she didn`t want to have to repeat the year. Spending more and more time in the library, Hunter soon got frustrated with a girlfriend who was never around and Sera thought it was probably best for them to just break up after just over three months. They remained friends even if Hunter's always bugging her about how she stopped being cool.
With the help of the her new tutor, whom she soon developed a friendship with Sera was able to pull off more than decent marks by the end of freshman year and went into the next year hopeful to keep it up and forget about the year before. She and the older blond spent the summer together bonding over the silly nerdy things that Sera had actually really missed talking about. The two began dating just before Sera returned to Blue Ridge for her sophomore year. Jenny convinced her to join the Quirank cheerleading, and her mother encouraged her to get involved in a few other extracurricular activities to keep herself busy and out of trouble.
Now in her junior year Sera is like a completely different person than she was back in her rebellious days. She`s a prefect and still dating Jenny, who just so happens to be head girl now. Sera`s at the top of nearly all of her classes and even goes above and beyond the regular curriculum often doing extra credit assignments and research. She`s still involved in a number of activities including Honor Society, which she was very pleased to recently be recommended for.
Putting the past behind her Sera is happy to set her sights on the future. After university she hopes to get a job with the League of American Wizards in the Department of Magical History and even hopes to someday be in charge of the LAW |