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Friday, September 17th. Late afternoon [Mar. 26th, 2011|09:02 pm]
Amazing how weeks fly around here, it's almost the weekend again already. May I just say, Event Planning is turning out exactly as interesting as I thought it would be. I'm amazed perople get by without this essential and fascinating class.

[Private to students only]

And on that note, I'm bored out of my mind, and my homework is providing very little challenge and interest so far. Anybody up for anything fun this weekend? I was thinking along the lines of a gnome-hunt or video game marathon. Or if I get the DVD player I snuck in with me to work, a Lord of the Rings viewing? I just need to figure out how to operate the thing without electicity.

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[Feb. 25th, 2011|12:02 am]
Dear ladies of junior and senior years, I'm having a serious post-Obliviate moment here- did we have an assignment for Event Planning this week?

Also, am I the only one really enjoying potions this year? I swear if you replaced the mermaid hair we used today with angel hair pasta, the strength potion could become a really great main course...
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[Jan. 29th, 2011|10:26 pm]
The best thing about Sunday is the Sunday Times. Costs a bundle, and if it weren't for shrinking spells Shikoba wouldn't have even been able to carry it, poor overworked owl, but it's a great way to fill up a Sunday. If anybody's looking I'll be outside, reading. There's a fascinating world outside this school.
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Class Schedule [Jan. 28th, 2011|09:36 am]
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