Dahlia has been reincarnated more times than she cares to admit. She remembers every single life and often seems crazy or queer, just by virtue of the things she knows (and shouldn't know). She is completely aware about Insula De Virsta and has longed to return home for many lifetimes. She left after the death of her mother and when she learned that her father was Levi of the Enkeli Everto (which is why her Kantele abilities are skewed and she is gifted with a serious level of persuasion). She blamed him for her mother's death and even more so for not being around when she was growing up. Her mother, Roma, insisted that Levi had nothing to do with the cause of her death (stating so upon her death bed).
Dahlia promised herself to never forget, without knowing how to properly control her Enkeli abilities she practically cursed herself with her conviction to remember what had happened between Roma and Levi. She refuses to be called by her first name, which was also a gift from Levi.
Dahlia promised herself to never forget, without knowing how to properly control her Enkeli abilities she practically cursed herself with her conviction to remember what had happened between Roma and Levi. She refuses to be called by her first name, which was also a gift from Levi.
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