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Hyungseok tends to come off as somewhat shy. He's reluctant to approach someone first and even if he does working up the courage to speak can take a few minutes. He likes to choose his words carefully because they can't be taken back and the impression they leave can be lasting. His father always had a unique way with words and its something Hyungseok hopes he inherits.

There are only two sure fire ways to get him to talk. Ask him about movies or ask him about rugby. Those are the only two subjects that can produce a lengthy conversation without awkward pauses after every few words. He dreams of one day being an actor or maybe just a stage hand who works his way up to something bigger. He wants to make his father proud of him and chase his dream. His own father had to give up his own to have a job to provide for his family and Hyungseok wants to be the person who makes the sacrifice to be someone his own kids can look up to one day.

Rugby was something he never really thought he'd be into. He wasn't really into sports as a kid but after watching a game online there was something about it that stuck with him. He looked into it, read up on it, learned what he could and once he learened Yonsei had a team he became determined to join it. Sure he'd probably be stuck on the bench for his first year but that was fine with him.

When it comes to the subject of love...well Hyunseok is unsure. He's seen his father be hurt by one woman and loved dearly by another. Women are fickle creatures and he's not sure if he's ready or willing to deal with their complexity when he's still learning about himself. He's much more comfortable with himself and getting ready for his first semester at college. Why should he add a relationship into the mix when he doesn't even know how many classes he wants to take?

The name of the game for Hyunseok is patience. Fate has brought him this far already and he's positive that whatever happens now is meant to be and will lead him to bigger and better things. At least that's what he keeps telling himself at night.
full name Park Hyungseok
age & year. 17 & Freshman
major Film Production & Visual and Performing Arts
Hyungseok wasn't a difficult child from birth but Fate was just a fickle bitch who had a very unique way of illuminating paths. He kept his mother in labor for almost nine hours before he decided he was ready to enter the world and even that was a task. He'd gotten mixed up on the way out and wrapped the umbilical cord around his tiny neck. The doctor feared he'd choke himself on the way out and proceeded to perform a c-section to pull him free. Personally, he wasn't too pleased with it and cried out his little lungs as he gasped in fresh air for the first time. Everything went down hill from there.

His father was a simple man who worked as a mechanic for a large biochemical company. His hours were shit but he made it work and kept food on the table and clothes on Hyungseok's back. That didn't stop Hyungseok's mother from having various affairs throughout the eight year marriage. From a young age, Hyungseok never could identify his own father from the parade of men that came and went from his mother's bedroom. He was simply too young to discern the difference between them until he learned to speak. His first word wasn't mother or father. It was the name of one of the men his mother was currently sleeping with.

His mother was horrified and his father was furious. This insued the year and half long divorce process where his father demanded custody and his mother played the helpless victim. The second word Hyungseok picked up on was hate and he realized that he hated his mother for the things she did to his father. His father was a kind man, who always smiled and never had a harsh word for Hyungseok and his mother. She was a vile creature who made the villains from his stories look like nothing.

His father won custody and his mother was given nothing but what little possessions she had and a slammed door in the face. This started the golden years of Hyungseok's childhood and what probably led him to being slightly spoiled. His father blamed himself for the divorce and the loss of a motherly figure in Hyungseok's life. He took less hours at work, moved into a smaller apartment and took Hyungseok everywhere. The beach, the mountains, the countryside. They went everywhere and even if Hyungseok could speak at this age the third word that stuck out for him was family. He didn't need two parents to have a family, just one that cared and gave a shit.

It was only natural that his father meet someone new and Hyungseok found he didn't mind. His father never changed and didn't let himself become wrapped up in this new woman. They had many things in common and Hyunseok was given more leeway to do his own thing as he went through his schooling. This went on for two years before his father finally decided to settle down and give marriage another try.

Hyungseok didn't turn rebellious until puberty hit. Up until then he was a mild mannered kid who would rather stick his head in a comic book than cause trouble but chemical inbalances and new bodily urges tend to do things to a young boy's head. High school was all about being in the in crowd and trying to be cool. Smoking behind the gym, getting caught making out with girls in the old stairwells, Hyungseok did it all. His father's smile started to fade and his peaceful home was filled with arguing.

Disappointment. It was the hardest word for Hyungseok to learn and it came with a price. He'd never seen his father cry before, even during the divorce with his mother and it made him feel horrible. He was becoming his mother and that frightened and disgusted him. His father had done nothing but only the best for him and he repaid him with disobedience and disrespect. He was a sophomore in high school when he took the vow to never be like his mother and his last two years of high school passed without further incident. He threw himself into his studies and managed to scrape his grades back together threw summer school and graduated on time.

Hyungseok was set on going into biochemical engineering like his father but he had no real drive for it. That and he sucked at anything science which was kind of required. It was a long talk that night and his father was more than glad to deter Hyungseok away from that path. Follow your own dreams. The words were simply enough but they resonated deep within him and it caused a fire to ignite in him. What did he like to do? What was he passionate about. He was about to start college and he didn't even know what drove him.

That's when he learned the last word that was important in his life. Fate. It seemed by chance but there was no such thing as chance and coincidence for Hyungseok. There was a reason his father got him a video camera as a graduation present. There was a reason why their movie collection was almost ceiling to floor. There was a reason for everything and Hyungseok never took the time to look at the little details until now. The acceptance letter from Yonsei University was the last sign that everything was happening as it was supposed.

Now he just had to get over the fact he was moving out and well...going to college. Great.