KEY | ★ friend/acquaintance | ❤ love | ✘ hate
GEUNSUK ★✘❤(?)
His maker. They met after seeing each other at a few fashion events and then Kibum became a vampire. He cares about Geunsuk, that much is obvious and would do a lot of things for him willingly. He's also protective of him to an almost obsessive state at times. Kibum's only beef with him is their living arrangement. If he's so rich, why the fuck are they living in Brooklyn? And why the hell isn't he allowed into the other room?
NAME ★✘❤
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras molestie enim vel purus vestibulum ac mollis lacus cursus. Proin odio leo, ornare pharetra auctor eget, pharetra vel sem. Integer porttitor, tellus sit amet adipiscing dapibus, mauris risus venenatis nulla, vel pellentesque libero nunc quis mi. Aliquam vehicula, libero a elementum molestie, eros odio suscipit nunc, non gravida turpis libero vitae lorem.
NAME ★✘❤
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras molestie enim vel purus vestibulum ac mollis lacus cursus. Proin odio leo, ornare pharetra auctor eget, pharetra vel sem. Integer porttitor, tellus sit amet adipiscing dapibus, mauris risus venenatis nulla, vel pellentesque libero nunc quis mi. Aliquam vehicula, libero a elementum molestie, eros odio suscipit nunc, non gravida turpis libero vitae lorem.