18 February 1984 @ 11:46 pm
Urgent Owl to Mark Wood  
Andre is here at the Ministry. I think he might have that virus going around? He keeps going on about his brother being near death in Istanbul? He refuses to go back to Mungo's. Help?
18 February 1984 @ 11:42 pm
Who: Andre and Tiberius
What: International Emergency!
Where: Ministry!
When: Today!

This man tried to get into the Ministry demanding to see you declaring it was an international emergency-- )
05 September 1981 @ 02:06 pm
backdated to like two days ago?  
Tiberius was laying on his back in the middle of a park, which he was pretty sure was Hyde Park. He was hoping he was right being as that is where he told Finn he was. He had no idea how long he had been gone, everything from the blackout was a complete blur. He wasn't even sure how he got out of where he was.

He moaned in pain, covering his face. Every time he tried to move every nerve in his body screamed in pain. Just writing the note to Finn int he journal he managed to grab took a ton of effort.

"Excuse me sir, are you alright?" a passerby asked looking down at him concern. "Do you need me to go get help?" the man looked around trying to see if he could find anyone else that could come over and help.

" 'm fine" Tibs croaked out, not very convincingly. "My brother is on his way."
05 August 1981 @ 12:46 pm
Gabriel was silently wording his opening lines for the next segment of news when the lights dropped. He lifted his head in a curious manner, having been standing away from the news desk and wondering if it was just a backdrop thing. It wasn't exactly peculiar, there had been men working on the spells earlier this week which had caused the lighting charms to flicker and crackle. He let out a breath and stood where he was, watching as nearly everyone around him performed lumos with their wands. Gabriel supposed he should as well, and wondered if this sort of incident would mess up the wireless airwaves. He didn't know much about the magic behind the WWN, but he supposed those who did would fix things.

He muttered to his assistant that he was going to go into the corridor to see if it was only their studio that had gone out, and she quickly skittered away to find the snack trays. Gabriel let out a breath, sighing at the thought of having to stay at work later because of this delay. He had dinner plans for Rachel and the children, he did not need the annoyance of pushing back reservations. As he pushed out into the hallway, he let out a groan at the darkness. His wand was soon out and he felt awfully tired, frustrated that his day was going to be spent in near darkness.

"Do you have light?" he called out to a figure down the hall, noticing a brighter light than that of a normal lit wand. "The spells have gone out over here, it's pitch---"

Why had he been so languid in his movements just now? Darkness overcoming the WWN studios? In the middle of Diagon Alley? Diagon Alley, which was the near breeding ground for death eater attacks. Gabriel wished he had the mindset to jump to the worst possible conclusion, but the spell the cloaked death eater shot off sliced him across the side of the head, knocking him out cold and to the ground.

If he didn't die today, right now, Rachel was going to kill him.

OOC! )
07 July 1981 @ 12:32 am
Who: McLaggen Clan + Lt. Darcy
When: last friday?
Where: Commodore McLaggen's house
What: Can you say family drama?
Status: Finishing In comments!

Wait, your a wizard? )
24 November 1980 @ 12:23 am
WHO: Tiberius McLaggen and Finn McLaggen
WHERE: Tibs & Elena's house (little while at Puddlemere Stadium
STATUS: Finishing in comments!

M-ministry kidnappings! They're---they're saying it was death eaters against your--brother! Cormac's missing! )
27 October 1980 @ 02:28 pm
This week, it was her husband's turn to visit her offices for lunch. They liked to go back and forth, to get some time together before picking up the kids at day care after work. Elena loved her children very, very much, but they were very loud children. She blamed that part of their personalities on the McLaggen side (Jia Li was a McLaggen, now, she definitely could inherit their traits). Lunch was the only hour that they were sure to get some adult time talking done, which was very necessary when you had two children under the age of three.

Elena didn't really want to talk about 'adult stuff' today, though. She'd been listening to Tiberius' plans to cleaning up the streets of the wizarding world for months now, and she had fully supported him, but now that they were enforced and people had to abide by these new rules...she could only wonder how long the bad guys would deal with being restricted. They definitely wouldn't take too kindly to security checks, and vigilantes? Were people really that mad?

She sat in the waiting room of the animal hospital with her face in her hand, silently musing about the trouble all of this could bring. Hopefully the world was changing for the better, but her ever optimistic heart couldn't believe that.
05 August 1980 @ 09:39 pm
UPDATE! - An hour and a half after the initial report

"Diagon Alley is in a state of emergency, an earthquake has hit and shaken everyone and thing to its core. The Ministry of Magic has shut its doors---only aurors, hitwizards, and other authorized personnel may enter. Victims rescued from the Ministry will be sent directly to Hogwarts.

St. Mungo's is in a similar state; they are taking injuries off the street, but are overflowing and understaffed. Please, any retired healers, nurses, or medi wizards, your expertise is needed. Some overflow of St. Mungo's patients are being relocated to various wizarding locations outside of London, stay tuned for more information on that.

This day just keeps getting weirder-----tornadoes have struck various locations across the United Kingdom. Lanchashire, Bristol, Dublin, Hogsmeade, and Essex are currently reporting tornado strikes.

No---no casualties have been announced, as of yet. Hopefully it stays that way.

Sid--I'm just going to keep talking until you respond.

CHARACTERS INJURED 1-4 CAN RESPOND IMMEDIATELY! This will be updated as time goes by/we stop feeling evil
20 November 1979 @ 09:01 pm
Finn had really underestimated the hyper activeness of a room full of toddlers.

As Joy let out last of the party stragglers, Finn leaned against the back counter of the kitchen, yawning greatly. Cormac could barely walk, how he and his little friends had managed to run into every room of the house was completely beyond him. There were streamers thrown about every piece of furniture, his cushions were stained with cake and candy-coated handprints, and Finn really didn't want to know about the dirty diaper bin they'd set up in the bathroom.

His nose scrunched as Joy returned, and he lifted his chin to point at their son, who was passed out like a log in a nearly upside down position on the couch. Thankfully everything had been charmed for an extra bounce because of all the little ones running into things, but they should probably move him before he twitched and fell to the ground.

Eh, in a minute.

"That was the wildest party I've ever been to in my life."
16 January 1979 @ 12:08 am
Who: Tibs McLaggen, Joy Diserafino, and Finn McLaggen
What: LOL
Where: LMAO

...if these two brothers could have been any more different.. )