27 December 1984 @ 05:11 pm
New Year's Eve Masquerade! For Tuesday  

Octavius believed hiring someone to organise an event for him meant they would actually organise an event for him. Unfortunately, that notion proved to be a false one when the organiser left him high and dry in the middle of the month, but Octavius persevered. With the help of himself, Mira, occasionally Lottie Sweeting, and an army of lackeys, the night of the masquerade had come together as beautifully as possible.

Lottie had, for once, actually done her job, and at either entrance of the grand foyer were attendants handing out beautifully crafted half-masks to party-goers, and collecting them as people left. The ballroom was majestic and shimmering, the music was softly thrumming, the drinks were pouring, and the mood was infectious. All in all, Octavius thought, it was a satisfactory night to end a rather satisfactory year. After the chaos and excitement that had chased him all throughout 1983, he was rather happy to have had a (comparably) quiet year.

"Can you make sure Miss Warbeck is ready to begin?" he murmured to an attendant nearby who then scurried off. The Wizarding Wireless Network had, after all, promised a wonderful surprise at midnight! Octavius needed to ensure everything went perfectly.

The flash of a nearby photographer made Octavius scowl, annoyed was he at even the few press witches and wizards who had paid handsomely to be at the charity event tonight. The publicity was good, no one could deny that, and the masks concealed everyone's identity at least marginally so there was no grievous intrusion on privacy, but that didn't mean Octavius enjoyed their presence.

He rolled up the sleeve of his dress robe to check his watch, then his eyes darted back to the stage. It was five minutes to midnight! What, for heaven's sake, was Celestina Warbeck taking so long to appear onto an already dressed stage? Shaking his head agitatedly, Octavius cut through a path through the brightly coloured bodies in the mingling crowd to check on his star performer.

OOC Read this for questions, or ask me! Fluid time, so feel free to thread before/after kisses. Again, the "compulsion" to find your kissing partner kicks in 5-10 minutes before midnight and could be anything from thinking you should walk and get some punch to being mystifyingly sexually attracted to the masked stranger at your side. HAVE FUN! GO WILD ♥ AND HAPPY NEW YEAR'S MY GORGEOUS GALS.
09 November 1984 @ 04:27 pm
WHO: Marissa MacFusty and Iwan Quigley!
WHAT: Preciousness!
WHERE: Tornadoes Stadium!
WHEN: RIGHT after their match!

And Quigley makes it down to the pitch at record speeds, looks like he’s shooting after the snitch once more, eh Larry )
23 September 1984 @ 07:30 pm
Posted for this Friday!  

It had been a long, long year for St. Mungo's.

Mark stood with a long flute of champagne in one hand, taking slow, deep breaths. The rearing of the ugly virus' head had given the year a bad, bad start, but here they were. Lives had been lost, but so many had been saved. Mark felt bittersweet about celebrating the year, but he knew events like this needed to be held to keep the hospital running. The donations were used to buy new supplies, potion remedies, and to provide for better training for their healers. Everything was being spun into a positive manner, Mark just wished that it didn't have to be such a lavish event to do so.

"Do you think it's too much?" he said to his wife, looking down at Hannah with a worried smirk. If anything, the night provided a reason for his wife to doll herself and look even more fantastic than she normally did. They deserved a night out, especially now that their trio of children was complete.
02 July 1984 @ 10:02 pm
It had taken him longer than it should have, because of his schedule and his nerves, but Iwan had finally made it up to the Hebrides Islands on the chance that Marissa the Redheaded Dragon Chaser did indeed live there. It was rather daunting; Iwan had never traveled this far North, save for his trips to Hogwarts, but not only was it the distance---but for a woman. Merlin, she probably wouldn't even remember his name, he'd been so rude to not speak to her since Hogsmeade, but...this was a somewhat romantic gesture, wasn't it?

He looked up at the large entrance to the Dragon Reserve with a bit of reserve himself. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. Not that he could see any dragons just yet, but the fact remained that if this wasn't the right place, he could quite easily be tossed into the dinner bowl of a hungry Hebridean Black Dragon. It was a possibility. Even if this WAS the right place, Marissa could probably manage to toss him straight down the throat of one of the giants.

Iwan tugged on the hem of his shirt, feeling out of place in what he thought would be dragon reserve appropriate clothes. He took a few steps into the reserve, looking for any place that might seem like...a starting point? This place was huge.
25 May 1984 @ 07:58 pm
Hogsmeade Quidditch Weekend! Open to All!  
Charlie was literally bouncing around like a school kid. How was he so keen on the ways of excited, shriek-filled Hogwarts students? Why, he was surrounded by a gaggle of them! Bouncing, the lot of them, and all donned in red and gold! It was a beautiful sight, really, and it made the slightly overcast day seem bright and sunny and warm. He wanted to hug each and every one of those kids, so he did and it was a good feeling to be recognized as some 'Gryffindor Hero!' A Gryffindor Hero! Legend, some were saying. Some teeny, tiny voice in the back of Charlie's head knew that legend, even hero was pushing it a bit far, but he would happily accept the compliments because they made him feel damn special.

He hadn't been much of a standout in school, popular enough not to lurk around the corridors without anyone noticing you were there, but he was no quidditch captain or head boy. He was just Charlie, and even if his quidditch fame and popularity had skyrocketed these past few years, he was still very much in awe of the fact that people could be impressed by him.

"All right, all right!" he laughed, prying off the clamped fingers of a young third year girl's off his arm. "I'll be back, I promise!"

There was a chorus of moans, but soon the group had spotted yet another player to lay their tremendous excitement and focus on, and Charlie was free. He bounded down the pavement, Gryffindor scarf proudly flapping in the wind behind him, and dropped down onto a wooden bench beside his very Hufflepuff-y girlfriend.

"The kids," he said, waving his hand out toward the crowd before dropping it down onto the back of the bench behind Penelope, "They dig me."
26 November 1983 @ 12:45 pm
WHO: Nona Pepper and Iwan Quigley
WHAT: She notices a strange man appearing and reappearing randomnly
WHERE: Outside the WWN Studios

She did now, at least, possess the social graces to be on a first-name basis with a person before bossing them around )
24 October 1983 @ 01:45 pm
POSTED FOR SATURDAY~ Sinners & Saints Ghost Train!  

As the country side rushed by outside the window, Dianna could feel her pride grow with each passing second. She wasn't one to admit that she bragged about her achievements, but it would be a lie to think that she was not going to be boasting at how overwhelmingly amazing this event had turned out to be. The turn out had been far more than anticipated, the musicians that varied through every other cart were fantastic and livening up the mood---there were even ghosts of old conductors and passengers floating through the carts and having the time of their after-lives scaring the guests.

It was to be a fun, fantastic, frightful night. Dianna was beside herself with excitement, and she tugged her skirt down a bit and went on a search for a friendly face to interact with. Merlin, she'd really out done herself this time, she thought amusing as a cart-wide sized cobweb magically unspun to let her pass.

Dianna flipped a golden curl over her shoulder, smirking greatly. She was so brilliant.
20 May 1983 @ 06:21 pm
Glenda pressed her lips together to produce a small laugh, brushing the old wizard's shoulder in front of her in a warm manner as he laughed at his joke. It was a rather amusing story about a niffler and a mackled malaclaw, but the night was starting to wear her down. Any WWN party, whether it be under the façade of a birthday bash or not, was always apart of the public relations machine. Tonight was certainly no exception, though it did give her an excuse to wander (and drink) as much as she pleased. Under that pretense, she gave a quick pat to her new acquaintance and walked off before he had a chance to contest.

There was also this aging business that she couldn't help avoid either. Turning older when she already felt ancient was a strange feeling; it felt doubly so every time another announced her general youth. Twenty-three and already so popular! Twenty-three with such a name! Twenty-three, what a bright future laid ahead! They all conveniently forgot to realize that she was still twenty-two, and really nothing of their kind words made any sense to her, but what could she do if they wanted to tell her these things? It was good that she had perfect her smiling and nodding years ago.

This party wasn't all that bad, honestly. The WWN had actually invited some of her old friends, in addition to people she was sure she had never met in her life, but that didn't bother her. It was.... nice. And a bit frightening. Well, frightening for the prospect of one person, which Glenda still wasn't sure if she was actively or passively avoiding after all these months without knowledge of whether or not he was even here... it did not matter! She was an adult. They were adults, there was no reason why---

Merlin he was here. There he was! Was she losing feeling in her legs? Feeling very much caught, Glenda stood frozen, even unable to think of going about executing a quick get away. Maybe he wouldn't see her, or felt just as awful as she had been feeling and would continue to prolong their eventual remeeting! That was a pretty awful thing to say about your best friend, wasn't it?
28 February 1983 @ 09:31 pm
End of Season party! For the 3rd  
Drystan did not usually consider himself a sore loser. He had experienced enough defeats in his career to understand that winning was sometimes as much luck as it was skill—the latter of which he had plenty, the former he was starting to doubt he had any. He would even go so far as to say this was one of the top seasons he'd ever played. Losing the Cup might not be such a hardship, in that light. But to lose to the team he considered the most unsportsmanlike in the League was just an insult to injury. To have lost to them for the third time in the season was, in his perfectly reasonable and justified opinion, grounds for murder.

But a lifetime sentence in Azkaban would leave behind a wife and three children who would likely be just fine without him, but he'd miss them. So mass murder was off the table for tonight, at the very least.

Press snapped pictures outside the admittedly-abandoned looking building of 23 High Street, and Drystan knew there were more inside. Entering the rundown lobby, by-passing the elevator with the out-of-order sign, they made their way up the long flight of stairs to the grand doors of the first floor landing and into the—holy Mer—

Of course, the invitation specified formal wear, but Drystan hadn't honestly been expecting a high-brow formal occasion from the Kestrels. It was a ballroom. There was emerald green positively everywhere. There was something that looked suspiciously like a string ensemble. A bar, where he fancied he would spend as much time as possible, was in the corner. Platters with hors d'oeuvres and glass flutes zoomed by. Having stopped moving, wearing a stupefied expression, Bess had to tug his arm to get him to continue his stride.

"Hell," he muttered, pulling a grim face at the ostentatious yet somehow tasteful décor. Lifting their linked hands, he kissed the back of hers while surveying the spectacle before him.

"Five minutes? Five minutes isn't too soon."

ooc: Quidditch players/personnel + their guests! BLACK TIE! Party is on the first floor in this cool but creepy rundown building. Have fun! :D
23 January 1983 @ 05:26 pm
It had been a sudden burst of impulse that had led her to write back to a Quidditch player from Falmouth, of all places -- but she was slowly beginning to see that she couldn't just coop herself up at home with the dragons or with her job at the Ministry (which she'd been very lucky to be able to get back after her spotty attendance before her leave of absence, really). It was time for her to move on with her life now that Voldemort really was gone, and the Death Eater activity had significantly decreased for what the world hoped was good.

She chewed absently at her pinky fingernail while she waited for Michal to show up to the diner. She hadn't moved out to her own flat again yet, so going home was out of the question -- and she didn't want him to think that she was some complete nutter from Hebrides right off the bat anyway, even if that was pretty obvious to everyone but her.

Their impromptu pub-date had gone well, she'd thought -- it was certainly clear to her that he probably needed to learn to relax too, whether he'd ever held the ability to and lost it as she had.
11 August 1982 @ 07:26 pm
Running her fingers through the folds of her dress, Glenda let no pleat or invisible lint go unattended to as she sat. Her dress was far too beautiful for those kinds of blemishes, and the task had proven to be a manageable distraction that was getting her through the rest of the night until it was professionally and socially acceptable to leave.

Oh, that sounded horrible. She really shouldn't be so unwilling to attend her own party. The WWN had really outdone itself, inviting practically the whole of the Wizarding World to help 'welcome her back' to Britain's airwaves. The network had been more than happy to accept her back when she (Sturgis) had contacted them, but had made no mention of something like this until last week after everything had been finalized. All she had asked for was her job back, but apparently her celebrity status had grown substantially with her absence and things like this had become necessary.

She had spent the first good part of the party clutching tightly onto Sturgis' arm, feeling not only uneasy but lost as witch after wizard continued to appear in front of her, asking questions, telling jokes and attempting to have ernest conversations with the woman of the hour. It felt strange having so many familiar faces and names rushed back upon her, and many times already she had wished she was her formal self. If this had been three years ago, Glenda knew she would have chatted up the entire room already instead of giving half-empty smiles, dutiful nods and soft answers.

Now, though, Sturgis had long ago left her side. A tactic she knew no doubt had been purposefully planned down to the minute. It had generated the same feeling within Glenda when he had shown up an hour early before this whole thing started, asking if she minded escorting him, and then offering to drop Tristan off at her Aunt and Uncle's to ensure that she would have enough time to get ready because she hadn't even gotten dressed yet. She knew he was only trying to help with her readjustment process, which made her love, and hate, him more because of it.

Letting out a quiet sigh, Glenda looked up to catch glimpses of the party from outside. Her aimless wandering had lead her to party's outside grounds, a rather nice garden area with sparkling lights and nearby fountain. A few people were nearby, but she didn't mind much. The atmosphere reminded her of Italy.

OOC: soo it's safe to assume Gleny basically knows everyone, WWN would've made sure all friends were here LOL and if she didn't, all famous people were invited anyway so YAY
31 July 1982 @ 11:51 pm
[Darien, lolololol]  
Marissa wasn't sure exactly what had possessed her to accept an invitation from a complete stranger on the journals, really. She knew that she needed to get out more, sure, and she felt like she could finally be at peace with the fact that she and Sturgis had gone their separate ways, but she still rarely felt like leaving the house after getting home from work. The pressure and pain from seeing James Potter die, to see Alice and Frank Longbottom tortured to the point of no return -- to see her sister lose her hand just like she had, it was all too much for her to have faith in much of anything any longer.

She knew the rest of her friends were feeling it too, that pain, but she just hadn't been able to deal with it. Neither had Sturgis, at least not when they'd been trying to do as much. Now seeing him just reminded her of exactly how much they'd both lost; it was far too painful.

That was why, as she left the Experimental Charms department, she slipped into the lavatory to pull her hair down from its messy bun at the back of her head and wave it out, apply a little chapstick, and give her cheeks a quick pinch. She headed back out soon after and stepped into the main entrance of the Ministry, arms crossed as she leaned against a nearby pole.

She could just wait him out, look to see who else was trying to find another person in the flood of wizards and witches eager to rush home.
08 November 1981 @ 09:15 pm
Who: Marissa and ~mystery guest~
What: The ministry is bollocks.
Where: Muggle London
When: The relative 'now'

And it made her want to vomit cotton candy out her eyes. )
03 July 1981 @ 12:07 pm
As Jonas revved up for the last song of the day, Kobe smiled brightly at the crowd. The critics had been wrong. It was a peace rally that had gone off without a hitch and no sign of death eaters, anywhere! The extra security must really be doing its job, and everyone was having a blast. She'd even seen some aurors bouncing around to the music, too! Kobe was incredibly proud of her husband, and she looked up to the clear blue sky with a wide, toothy grin.

It faded slightly, however, as some dark clouds began to roll in over the park. Remarkably fast clouds, which didn't seem natural and were already thundering loudly. The weather report had claimed they would have clear skies all day, so this was strange and----Kobe slammed her hands over her ears as the loudest roll of thunder clapped itself over the park. Immediately the clouds seemed to open up and rain began to pour down on the crowd like buckets. Well--if bad weather was the worse of their problems, they'd done a pretty good job, right?

Kobe gasped as a bolt of green lightening shot through the crowd, followed by the terrified screams of the concert goers.

"No, nonono----" she let out from the side of the stage. Where had they all come from? The bloody sky? Kobe started towards Jonas, to pull her husband off the stage because while they had met during a catastrophe, she really did not feel like enduring another one, "Jonas!" she screamed, but was thrown off balance as the stage began to creak and shake as if an earthquake was beginning to rumble underneath.

Peace didn't stand a chance, these days.